P6T Deluxe Motherboard + Intel i7 Quad Core CPI and 6GB RAM.
This Motherboard and CPU come connected, or separately, for an easy plug-and play kit. All you need to do if screw it in to a case, plug in at Hard Drive or SSD and any peripherals, and you have yourself a PC that can browse the web at fast speeds. Add a Graphics card and you can easily play games. The system itself is fairly powerful, running games such as: Witcher 3 on medium-high settings. Overwatch on ultra Dota 2 on ultra Battlefield 4 on high (GTX 970 Strix Graphics card.) Specs: Intel i cores/threads. Hyperthreading, great CPU. Still works great to this day. Never had any problems Overclocking it either. P6T DeluxeV2 - Triple Channel DDR3 Ram. Compatible with CrossFire and SLI. RAM is just some RAM, unsure of brand or run speed. Read More