12.2 registered welsh b palamino in Stockton On Tees
**FOR SALE** Doylan Honey Dancer: Honey is a beautiful full up ong>12ong>.2hh 11 year old registered Welsh Section B palomong>inong>o mare. Honey is an ideal second pony for someone who wants to have fun. Ideal pc/jumpong>inong>g/games/showong>inong>g pony or dressage. She is good to do ong>inong> all ways and has manners to die for. Will stand all day to be brushed and fussed my 2 year old son brushes her and leads her round by himself with no problems at all.She has competed at county level shows and came away with rosettes every time both ridden and ong>inong> hand. Honey is good to trim (currently barefoot), bath and box; does need sedation to be clipped. Ridden honey has beautiful paces and ong>inong> showong>inong>g classes extends beautifully,if on lead reong>inong> she is perfect will go steady round all day, but does need a more competent rider off the lead reong>inong> to brong>inong>g her to her full potential. Honey loves to jump and will jump anythong>inong>g you poong>inong>t her at (jumped over 1m ong>inong> previous home), isn't phased by fillers or solid fences. Honey is good to hack out will go first or last snaffle mouthed at all times.I would prefer Honey to go to a competitive home where she will be used to her full potential. The only reason for sale is she is wasted with my novice daughter at the mong>inong>ute, which is why I want her to go to a more experienced home. She will be a little child's dream second pony. This is a heartbreakong>inong>g sale and hard enough as it is so please NO TIMEWASTERS OR JOY RIDERS! For anymore pictures or videos please message me on Facebook or rong>inong>g/text me on I will be happy to answer any questions or queries you might have. Honey will be sold with a new bridle and new rugs and her Newly fitted Kent and masters saddle Home is 100% more important than the price. Please pm me for price.