Jumperoo Rainforest, very little use, As New
This was bought for my Grandson, and it was kept at my house, which is why it is in as New condition, it has only been used a handful of times but my Grandson had so much fun in it he absolutely loved it. It isn't as big as the standard Jumperoo which is really great is you have limited space, and is easier to store when not in use. The sturdy Jumperoo frame is free-standing for convenience (it won't block a doorway!), height-adjustable (so it grows with baby!), and it's easy to fold flat for portability and space saving storage (with the removable toy bar stored flat, too!). There's a colourful, light-up rainbow-key piano to play, a bobble frog teether to chew, a clacker ring bar to slide 3 colourful rings back and forth, and a caterpillar to click-click-click! And that's not all! Baby's natural jumping and kicking actions send the seat bouncing up and down for a really fun and exciting ride and baby's jumping is rewarded with lights, sounds and music! Soft, padded fabric seat cover removes for machine washing. It was £ New at Argos I am also selling a Baby Walker/Rocker Beige. Read More