Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography: An
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Benatti, Fabio / Fannes, Mark / Floreanini, Roberto, PUBLISHER: Springer, Conceived as a multi-authored textbook, this lecture course addresses graduate students with a background physics, mathematics and computer science with no previous research experience in the field. Consequently this book, rather than attempting a review of the vast body of knowledge and literature gathered over the past twenty years, concentrates on the introduction and clarification of a number of carefully selected and correlated aspects of the quantum approach to information theory and technology. Given the interdisciplinarity of the topic, the multi-author approach will make the reader benefit from the knowledge and experience of the various authors, all of them leading researchers in their fields. The book consist of ten chapters, all of them including examples, problems and exercices. The first five chapters treat the mathematical tools required from quantum mechanics, classical information theory and coding theory. Chapter 6 deals with the manipulation and transmission of information in the quantum realm, chapters 7 and 8 study the implementations of quantum information sciences with the help of atomic physics and photonics, while chapters 9 and 10 address the grouind-breaking applications in cryptography and computation.