Why wouldn't you? You have a dream, let it come true in
We build ong>youong>r ong>dreamong>, We build ong>youong>r house. We buy and transform fixer - uppers ong>inong>to ong>dreamong> homes on a strict on time -long>inong>e and budget. (1.N.A.C.) A good sayong>inong>g says: Whoever wants to change his destong>inong>y, changes his thong>inong>kong>inong>g, changes his house. ong>Youong> have a ong>dreamong>, let it come true. If ong>youong> already have the house, will make ong>youong> more designs of ong>youong>r ong>dreamong>s: expansion, conversion, change the ong>inong>terior and exterior and ong>youong> choose the option ong>youong> want. We ong>canong> ong>nowong> proceed to execute the works. I have SPECIALIZED TEAM for each of these operations: site managers, shutters,ong>carong>penters, bricklayers, fong>inong>ishers, electricians, specialists ong>inong> home automation, plumbers. We offer professional, high quality and complete buildong>inong>g services ong>inong> London. ong>Youong> ong>canong> viewong>inong>g every day work progress. Still do not have property but ong>youong> want it? We fong>inong>d it and modify it as ong>youong> have ong>dreamong>ed. We buy and transform fixer - uppers ong>inong>to ong>dreamong> homes on a strict on time -long>inong>e and budget. NEW BUILDS We offer a wide range of professional services helpong>inong>g our clients to plan their new build property. We ong>canong> provide a complete construction service ong>inong>cludong>inong>g drawong>inong>gs, plannong>inong>g permission, buildong>inong>g regs and notices, site surveys, land surveys, ong>inong>terior design and landscape garden design and build. Coverage area: Wanstead and Paddong>inong>gton London, but for larger works we cover all of London. Feel free to contact me for any enquiry. Best Regards, Dr. ong>Inong>g.Constantong>inong> We motto: Handicrafts = A creed / Accuracy = a law / Perseverance = Unbeaten