He Loved Them to the End: Meditations on the Gospels of the
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cingolani, Gabriele / Iocco, Maria Domenica, PUBLISHER: Saint Pauls/Alba House, Through Gospel citations, theological reflection and the experience ong>ofong> the average Christian, the author leads us through the Passion ong>ofong> Jesus, scene by scene, ong>toong> reveal the prong>ofong>ound significance ong>ofong> some easily over-looked details in the drama ong>ofong> our salvation. Beginning with the Last Supper, through the Agony in the Garden, ong>toong> the trial before Annas and Caiphas and the trial before Pontius Pilate and Herod, ong>toong> the ong>carryong>ing ong>ofong> the Cross and his death on Calvary, and finally ong>toong> his resurrection ong>threeong> days later, Jesus manifested the love ong>ofong> God in a way that overturned all the false judgments that had been made against him and gave us an example ong>toong> follow. Since love is revealed through the cross, we find it easier ong>toong> focus on the suffering and hence miss the glory that it likewise holds for those who love God and neighbor ong>toong> the very end. It is impossible ong>toong> meditate on these passages from Sacred Scripture without being prong>ofong>oundly moved and motivated ong>toong> live the love we find in ong>themong>.