Nikon D100 and D200 digital SLR cameras...
Nikon D100 and D200 digital SLR cameras, Nikon D100 and D200 digital SLR camera bodies - both boxed, near-mint & little used. D100 includes THREE ENEL3 genuine Nikon batteries,4 compactflash cards. £85. D200 includes TWO ENEL3e genuine Nikon batteries, 4 Lexar PRO compactfash cards and MB-D200 battery pack (needs minor repair - locking catch). £195.FREE Sigma DC zoom lens with either camera (needs repair to internal mechanism, otherwise VGC). Calne. . ANY REASONABLE OFFER CONSIDERED FOR THE LOT!WILL ACCEPT FIRST OFFER OF £250 FOR ALL OF IT. £, Calne, .