Thomas and friends the complete story library book set 65 books NEW RRP £150
If the item is advertised its is still available ong>Forong> sale: ong>Thomasong> ong>andong> ong>friendsong> collection, 65 books ong>NEWong> I have two sets ong>forong> sale Titles in the set: ong>Thomasong>, James, Donald ong>andong> Douglas, Toby, Bulgy, Elizabeth, Cranky, Terence, Skarloey, Marvis, Percy, Bill ong>andong> Ben, Sir Hong>andong>el, Oliver, Bulstrode, Gordon, Edward, Duncan, Salty, Stepney, Duck, Henry, Harold, Peter Sam, Emily, Trevor, Bertie, Diesel, Daisy, Spencer, Arry ong>andong> Bert, George, Jack, Annie ong>andong> clarabel, Rheneas, Fergus, Mighty Mac, Harvey, Rusty, Molly, Arthur, Caroline, Murdoch, Neville, Fredie, Rocky, Rosie, Dennis, Alfie, The Fat Controller, Jeremy, Hector, Boco, Billy, Whiff, Stanley, Flora, Colin, Hank, Madge, Hiro, Kevin, Victor, Troublesome Trucks, Charlie Description: An incredible 65 mini paperback tales, the ong>Thomasong> Story Library is truly timeless. Presented in a hong>andong>y storage box that is beautifully decorated, this collection will welcome children into the fun-filled world of ong>Thomasong> the Tank Engine! A kids' favourite ong>forong> many, many years, ong>Thomasong> ong>andong> his ong>friendsong> get up to some fascinating adventures ong>andong> meet some colourful characters along the way, making each of the books in this set perfect bedtime reading. The perfect gift ong>forong> parents ong>andong> their child, this beautifully presented box set is sure to be passed on from generation to generation. Viewings ong>andong> collection in Bh12 in Poole. Any questions please message me Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit