Bargain Fishing set (Ron Thompson rod, Okuma reel and Middy
I'm sell<strong>instrong>g my <strong>rodstrong>, reel, land<strong>instrong>g net with 2 packs of shot, a pack of floats and a pack of hooks, just add bait and your ready to fish. the <strong>rodstrong> and reel have never been used, The <strong>rodstrong> is a <strong>Ronstrong> <strong>Thompsonstrong> 3 piece superior, 12ft medium match, it has a few scratches/marks purely from storage, The reel is an Okuma Access a130 boxed as <st<strong>ronstrong>g>newst<strong>ronstrong>g> with l<strong>instrong>e on spool, not sure of poundage, The land<strong>instrong>g net is a 22"Middy Match Black Land-um alloy frame, fast flow, safe spoon, telescopic ft, 2 piece, it has only been used by my kids to catch butterflies <strong>instrong> the garden so has a few scratches and a little wear on the net the back cap is miss<strong>instrong>g but I have given that a simple fix so is <strong>instrong> full work<strong>instrong>g condition. Please no time wasters.