How to Write Stories That Work -and Get Them Published!
I had ong>toong> share this with you. This is what one reader just wrote about my book: 'I am currently reading this beautiful book - How Song>toong>ries Really Work. It is AMAZING! I love it. It clarifies what song>toong>rywriting and therefore song>toong>rytelling is all about in original - but very easy ong>toong> understand - terms One of the most enlightening books I have read.... and I have read lots. Thanks for sharing your geniusGrant Hudson.' As you can imagine, I was very pleased ong>toong> receive this, as it means another person can be helped ong>toong>wards success as a ong>ong>writeong>ong>r of fiction - and even helped ong>toong> publish their own work! It all happened after I dramatically reduced the price of my e-course and book a short while ago. The 'How ong>toong> ong>ong>Writeong>ong> Song>toong>ries That Work - And Get Them Published!' e-course up until a short while ago cost £. If you're really serious about writing, and you really want ong>toong> get published, then this is the course for you! The product of the course is twofold: 1. You'll be able ong>toong> ong>ong>writeong>ong> song>toong>ries that really attract readers and 2. You will have a published book in your hands with your name on it! There are books, manuals, courses and blogs out there with plenty of advice on how ong>toong> succeed as a ong>ong>writeong>ong>r. They are packed full of information about 'ong>ong>writeong>ong>r's journey's', three-act structures, believable characters and all the rest. This course is NOT about three act structures, or even particularly about 'ong>ong>writeong>ong>r's journeys' and all the rest of it. This course is all about the PHYSICS that makes all those other things work in song>toong>ries - the principles that lie behind almost all other advice you'll ever read about. Similarly, there are plenty of manuals, books, guides, and consultants who will tell you all about getting published - and will charge you £100s or even £s ong>toong> take your book out of your hands and get it inong>toong> print. This course doesn't tell you about getting published, it walks you through the entire process - at a fraction of the cost. This course turns you inong>toong> an INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER and empowers you ong>toong> print and distribute your own work from the moment you complete the course. As you can probably gather, this course was worth £. But I am currently selling the complete course for £. That's right: £. Just click here and you can download the complete course directly ong>toong> your phone or computer. It's then yours ong>toong> read and do at your own pace. Why am I doing this? In truth, the course contains so much data and so many unique insights inong>toong> the craft of fiction writing that it can actually be broken down inong>toong> several books and courses - which is what I am working on right now. But while I am doing that, I thought I would make it available for a limited time ong>toong> anyone really interested in what makes fiction tick. You can get it below. In the course, you'll find out: How powerful do your ideas have ong>toong> be ong>toong> make your book work? What makes characters attractive - and what doesn't? How can you get guaranteed emotional commitment from readers? What invisible force drives plots forward and glues the reader ong>toong> each page? How can you make sure that you don't disappoint your readers? Without confident answers ong>toong> these questions, you have very little chance of attracting readers. Everything in this course is based on an extensive 40-year study of English literature and popular fiction, ranging from Shakespeare ong>toong> contemporary movies like Star Wars or the Marvel superhero films or American television sit-coms. Work examined during the course includes that of master authors like Dickens, Austen, E. M. Forster, C. S. Lewis and many others. With the How ong>toong> ong>ong>Writeong>ong> Song>toong>ries That Work - and Get Them Published! e-course, you're getting a tailor-made, comprehensiveprogramme of help for your fiction, installing successful features of the world's greatest writing, and including the key facong>toong>rs about The Role of Ideas Character Construction Attracting Readers Emotional Commitment Plot Structuring Quality of Style Fulfilling Expectations PLUS it walks you through how ong>toong> get your work actually published! AND you'll end up with a copy of your published book - with your name on the cover! The course was developed from my extensive personal writing and publishing consultancy (costing £) which normally takes six months ong>toong> deliver, also using data in the book How Song>toong>ries Really Work (also for sale on here). In the How ong>toong> ong>ong>Writeong>ong> Song>toong>ries That Work - and Get Them Published! e-course I've reduced every aspect of my complex consultancy down ong>toong> simple actions which you can do yourself, from your own computer. Soon, though, it will be off the market along>toong>gether as I release the ong>newong> books andcourses. So if you want one of the most incrediblebargains youwill come across in thisfield, get this course now! As the course continues, it becomes more and more 'tailor-made' ong>toong> fit your needs - in other words, you start off with high quality advice and it gets even higher! You get a direct line ong>toong> me and precise tips for your fiction. All submissions from the course are looked at 'live' using over 40years of experience in studying fiction of all kinds - there is no 'algorithm' that can provide you with the individual assessment of your writing that you need. You will get feedback on how ong>toong> use your ideas how ong>toong> develop your characters how ong>toong> attract readers and get emotional commitment from them and a whole lot more. Please understand that this e-course contains unique, exclusive material. You simply won't find this anywhere else on the planet because it's based on my own 40 years of research and work in the field of literature. It's been 'field-tested' with students over fifteen years. In the second part of the course, you'll get inong>toong> print for real and then learn how ong>toong> market your own book ong>toong> the masses! That's right - the How ong>toong> ong>ong>Writeong>ong> Song>toong>ries That Work - and Get Them Published! e-course will not only teach you about the secret language of fiction,how song>toong>ries really work, the role ofideas, makingcharacters attractive, gettingemotional commitment from readers and so on - and get you published! - it also gives you a Marketing Programme and specific business advice so that you canmake it as a ong>ong>writeong>ong>r! Once you have your song>toong>ry ready, based on the advice you'll get in this course, you'll have a proof-read manuscript that has been edited inong>toong> shape. You'll get instructions on how ong>toong> get your manuscript formatted, page numbered and so on. Then you'll get published! ong>Toong> your specifications! i.e. what size of book, how many pages, what cover and so forth. PLUS invaluable BONUS material: A Marketing Programme! How ong>toong> Succeed in Business as a ong>ong>Writeong>ong>r! How ong>toong> Achieve Your Goals! What people have said about my materials: 'It's beautiful, informative, essential reading for anyone who wants ong>toong> ong>ong>writeong>ong> fiction. It's almost a responsibility point, you're committing a crime if you don't get it inong>toong> peoples' hands!!!' -B.R. (Author) 'Your book is teaching me all the stuff that the other books don't! I can learn all about three-act structures and all that stuff elsewhere -this book is telling me exactly what ong>toong> put INong>TOong> the structure! It makes writing so easy and you can immediately spot where you're going wrong! Excellent!' -L.J. (Professional) 'This is an absolutely amazing achievement! I highly recommend it ong>toong> anyone interested in writing fiction.' -T.R. (Student) 'I was extremely impressed. This is not idle flattery. You've done a superb job in uncovering the facong>toong>rs that go inong>toong> making a great piece of literature.' -B.R. (Executive) You can download a thousand books and guides ong>toong> creative writing and you won't find this stuff anywhere - though in many cases the other books and guides are drawing from this material without realising it! Get the course now! What will happen ong>toong> you on the course? 1. You'll be able ong>toong> energise your creative ideas ong>toong> a point where you risk exploding! 2. You will learn the secrets of the master authors - ranging from Shakespeare and Dickens through ong>toong> modern television and screenong>ong>writeong>ong>rs 3. You'll pick up the special skills needed ong>toong> proofread and edit a work 4. You'll be able ong>toong> self-publish any kind of work you wish in the future 5. You'll understand how marketing and sales work, what makes them tick and how ong>toong> apply them ong>toong> your book(s) and so much more that I'd use up all the ink on the internet telling you about it! So the whole 12 week course, complete with bonus material, which along>toong>gether is worth £s, is FOR A LIMITED PERIOD AVAILABLE FOR £. That works out ong>toong> about £2.50 per week for 12 weeks - a ridiculously low amountong>toong> payong>toong> learn an entirely ong>newong> set of skills which will put you in control of your creative future. Please take this opportunity. I would like ong>toong> hear from you and will ong>ong>writeong>ong> back as soon as I can! Best wishes!