Used Bike in Great Condition - need gone ASAP
I've got a ong>usedong> bike to sell, ong>inong> very good ong>conditionong> though the bike chaong>inong>s are a little bit rusty, the lights work fong>inong>e, and I'm givong>inong>g away the bike bong>asong>ket with it for free. The handlebars are at a height of about 110cm, and the seat is at 92cm, but adjustable. I am sellong>inong>g for it 70 pounds, but am open for negotiation. I am leavong>inong>g Glong>asong>gow soon, so ong>needong> the bike ong>goneong> ong>ong>asong>apong>!! Pick up ong>inong> the West End. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit