Enigma Lightweight aluminium wheelchair. in Stockton On Tees
As new, and designed for ong>inong>door or outdoor use, this wheelchair is suitable for a user up to 115kg. The leg rests are adjustable to obtaong>inong> the perfect leg position. The leg rests will also swong>inong>g ong>inong> or out to reduce the length of the wheelchair. The leg rests are also removable. The wheelchair folds down easily, havong>inong>g a foldong>inong>g back mechanism, which reduces the overall dimensions; - fits ong>inong>to a small car. The wheelchair has parkong>inong>g brakes, and also cable brakes for use by the helper pushong>inong>g the chair. A lap belt is fitted to restraong>inong> the wheelchair occupant durong>inong>g normal use This is a wheelchair suitable for ong>inong>door and outdoor use. Very light ong>inong> weight, easy to push and very easy to load/unload from a vehicle. ong>Inong> excellent order and complete with ong>inong>struction book.