If they are rare enough we will buy them even if they are badly damaged like this rare Owl (Hibou). - BOOK LAUNCH.... This is the follow-up edition of the title: 'Unique Lalique Mascots' sub-title 'The automotive radiator hood ornaments of master glass artisan R. Lalique (including auction realsation prices) 'by G.G. Weiner. Published by The Grosvenor House Publishing Co. Ltd. Vol. 2 has been up-dated with the latest auction results and the added description including Desk Ornaments. This is now the definitive work on the subject which includes as yet up-published photos of the factory colour test pieces and the unique one-off King's Greyhound. This reference work should prove to be invaluable to students, collectors, dealers, museums, libraries and auction houses who have an interest in Lalique glass of the Art Deco period. - IMPORTANT: You are invited to the official launch at The Antiques, Vintage & Collectables Fair at Brighton Racecourse on Sunday October 22nd from 10 am to 4 pm. We will be located in The Premier Suite where the *author will sign or dedicate copies of the book for you. Yours sincerely, G.G. Weiner (author) PS I have enclosed a low res proof of the book (which is being launched on 22nd October) of which you may choose a few images and the covers of this new edition for your book review pages in your publication. G.G. Weiner (author)