Marshall JCM DSL100 valve Guitar Amp with 2 x 12 Marshall celestion speaker cab.
ong>Marshallong> ong>JCMong> Dual Super Lead 100 watt tube ong>ampong>lifier with Celestion 2 x 12 speaker cab. Extremely versatile guitar ong>ampong> with enormous amounts of headroom, 4 valves give you more than enough power for rehearsal and live performance. Good condition. Footswitch controls channel selection between classic gaong>inong> and ultra gaong>inong>, or reverb on/off. Has an effects loop round the back. "Countless hours of R&D and of course listenong>inong>g, went ong>inong>to the creation of the 100 Watt DSL100. DSL is an acronym for ‘Dual Super Lead’, so it should come as no surprise that this ong>ampong> has two footswitchable channels – Classic and Ultra. Furthermore, each of these channels boasts two modes: the Classic channel offers a Clean / Crunch option while the Ultra offers Lead 1 or Lead 2. ong>Inong>stead of merely offerong>inong>g a variation ong>inong> gaong>inong> level to the two channels, each one of these four modes has been ong>inong>dividually voiced as an ong>ampong> ong>inong> its own right. The tremendous tonal versatility of this ong>ampong>, coupled with a 100% pure valve signal path (4 x ECC83s, 4 x EL34s), Dual Reverb controls, a Tone Shift switch which ‘scoops out’ the mids and a Deep Switch that adds a tight, bowel loosenong>inong>g, low end boost, caused the guitar world to sit up and take notice right from the outset. The ong>JCMong> DSL100 was manufactured at the ong>Marshallong> production facility ong>inong> Bletchley, England between and ." Sellong>inong>g due to no longer beong>inong>g a rock star. Collection only Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit