Marine Tank w/ Live rock, coral and fish
Hey there, selling my ong>Marineong> ong>tankong> complete with live rock, ong>coralong>s and a variety of ong>fishong>. The ong>tankong> itself is an 'Aqua reef 300' The ong>tankong> is 100cmx76cm and the cabinet it stands on is 100cmx78cm TMC v" iLumenAir 900 LED lights, these allow built in timing and diming for a full range of effects. Fluidised media reactor. MP40 Wavemaker A variety of live rock and ong>coralong> which can be seen in the pictures. The ong>fishong> in the ong>tankong> are as follows: Purple tang, A pair of black/white clowns, 2 Blue damsels, Banggai Cardinal, Tang Any questions do not hesitate to get into contact with me, I will answer to the best of my knowledge Ad ID: