Pierre Goudelin - The Works of Pierre Goudelin -
Las Obros de Pierre Goudelin augmentados noubelomen de forço pessos ambe le dictiounari mundino sur la lengo mundino. AUTHOR: Pierre GoudelinPRINTER: Chez la Béouzo de Me. Bernard Pijon, Aboucat, Soul Imprimur of the KingPLACE OF PUBLICATION: ToulousoEDITION: 1st edition LANGUAGE: FrenchVOLUMES: 1 PAGES: 36 h + 417 pages + 3 h BINDING: hardcover (leather)SIZE: 15.5 x 9 cmYEAR: CONDITION: good Pierre Goulin, poet, was also a lawyer, a councillor, a Professor at the University of Louvain, a Dean and finally, Advisor of the Conservatoire des Privilèges Académiques.He decided to write in Occitan rather than in French, in a moment that, not only was it fashionable, but also the authors in French had a great international prestige, which generated an Occitan cultural patriotism which created a school, especially in Gascony.With a portrait of Pierre Goudelin. It contains the Dictionary of Toulouse. Read More