Carlos: large male guinea pig and accessories for sale
Large healthy male Guinea Pig for sale. Carlos comes with a Ferplast 100 indoor cage with hay container, water bottle with nozzle, food bowl and an enclosed sleeping area. Also included is a small food toy, a Mason Cash Baker Lane ceramic bowl, a Living World Paws2Go small pet carrier for transportation and an unopened pack of Timothy Hay which he can eat and use as bedding in his sleeping area. He is very good natured, quite shy and loves 'popcorning' around his cage. He hasn't had any other guinea pig companions so homing him with another guinea pig would take gradual introduction. Softwood shavings on top of a layer of newspaper has been used to line his cage and he has been fed spinach, kale and cucumber, dandelion salad and pellets. Guinea Pig Vitamin Solution has also been added to his water. Ad ID: