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Hen lutino cockatiel. Approximately 4 months old now and aviary bred. Would make an ideal pet as they are very easy to tame up due to the very young age, or perfect for pairing with a male ready for next year. Ad ID:
Free to a good home, Read More
Young lutino cockatiel which is 12 weeks old and is an aviary bird. It is not hand tame. £25 no offers Ad ID:
Adult Lutino FemaleCockatiel Must be over 18 months old Have twoMale lutinos Desperately wanting a lutino female Read More
Just starting to venture out - baby Lutino aviary bred but handled regularly - will make a good pet - ready from 21st May Deposit secures I also have 2 grey baby cockatiels ready beginning of June Read More
Hand reared baby Lutino cockatiel lovely friendly bird loves attention, good with kids £100 no offers could deliver at cost of petrol. Read More
Nice bird this years or (may swap what have you ?)
Fully hand reared lutino cockatiel very friendly never wants to leave your shoulder loves a head scratch (see in photo) enjoys being out the cage and easy to put away. Ad ID:
Yellow Lutino (male) & 2 grey Cockatiel's (1 male, 1 female) along with cage. Also, comes with 2 smaller cages. Ad ID:
Fully weaned, very steady will easily tame and ready for new home. £. Gillingham, Kent. Ad ID:
believed to be male, lovely bird, does not bite, very soft, will jump straight onto your hand. Read More
Hand reared Lutino cockatiel - He/she (suspect she) will be ready for a new home mid July. She is super friendly and loves to be out of her cage being made a fuss of,. All my babies are used to being handled by kids and adults. They are used to all the sounds of the home and also being around dogs and cats. They love their greens, especially Rocket and Watercress! Apples are a firm favourite too! If you would like to come and meet these lovely birds then please contact me via email. There is no obligation to buy what so ever. Ad ID:
super tame baby 8 week old cockatiel, cuddly, and steps up, very tame and friendly, gorgeous bird, please call or text if interested, i do have a grey also, but he is not ready yet, thanks Ad ID:
Beautiful hand tame cockatiel. 11 weeks old. Stunning bird. Please call or text if interested thanks Read More
Hiya, I have one prince charming male cockatiel for sale. He is not tamed yet but will need further handlying and training for them to be. Please contact me if your interested. Thanks Mams Ad ID:
Lovely hand reared Lutino cockatiel baby, good with children and adults alike, really friendly bird full of character looking for lovely new home. Ad ID:
Pastel Cheek Baby Lutino, 14 weeks old and now ready to leave, ideal age for tameing and teaching to talk. £50
Hiya, I have a beautiful prince charming male cockatiel for sale. He is not tamed yet but will need handlying and training for it to be. Please contact me if your interested. Thanks Mams Read More
Hand tame lutino cockatiel for sale Chico comes with large cage including perches feeding dishes and many other extras including play gym, travel bag,toys, food and vitamins. He is very affectionate and cheeky. Genuine reason for sale £100 NOW SOLD Ad ID:
Hi we are selling our baby cockatiel. Hand tame. Please call or text if interested. Cage can be given for extra £20 Read More
The Bird is 4 months old. £80 for the bird. Tame sit in hand & will talk if you teach it to. Brand new cages also for sale. £ massive cage ideal for these birds. Food, etc. also available. Call/Text Me If Interested. Ad ID:
Looking for a good new home for our cockatiel (Twinkie) got him last january so hes a little over 1 year believed to be male but not sure we did manage to build trust with him and he started to step up and sit on your hand but haven't had the time for him the past few months so he needs working with again he will hiss a little if you get to close and jumps to the other side of the cage. loves millet spray lovely clean bird and sings occasionally loves his bell which he chirps to when playing very quite at night time don't usually hear a peep from him mainly in the mornings and daytime he sings for a short while. it's difficult to get him out as my dog doesn't like him too much comes with large cage which also has a third tier not shown in picture as need to get out of the attic and quite a few toys perches pictured worth £50plus alone without bird and accessories genuine enquiries please. Read More
Hiya, I have a beautiful prince charming male cockatiel for sale. He is not tame but will need further handlying and training though for it be. Please contact me if your interested. Thanks Mams
Lovely hand reared Lutino cockatiel baby, gr8 with children and adults alike, really friendly bird full of character. Loves being rubbed behind his head. Ad ID: