Lure lips, bibs. Polycarbonate. Cut on a CNC machine. in
I have the option to ong>cutong> the ong>lipsong> on CNC plotter. ong>Lipsong> on the ong>cutong> to the front wire mesh The incision has a width of 1mm or more, is formed along the longitudinal axis of the rudder. Edge glued can be finished in a flat U or V. I make them on the basis of freehand sketch, photo or scan, of course, with marked dimensions or transmitted pattern. ong>Lipsong> come in 100% reproducible. The edges of the ong>cutong>s are smooth, matte finish. ong>Lipsong> have bridges connecting them with the plate. The bridges have a width of 0.4 to 1 mm (depending on the size of the rudder - the bigger the wide). ong>Lipsong> are ong>cutong> in 10x15cm plate (or multiple). The cost of one plate is 2 or 3 pounds On one plate of my designs is located: 1-72pcs, 2-36pcs, 3-36pcs, 4-49pcs, 5-58pcs, 6-40pcs, 7-28pcs, 8-20pcs, 9-15pcs, pcs, pcs, 13pcs, pcs, pcs, pcs, pcs, pcs For example, the 25x15mm ong>lipsong> for the 200x300mm plate are 120 pieces. ong>Polycarbonateong> in thicknesses of and 3 mm. Material mine. If something is incomprehensible please write. I will try to explain. I am from Poland and English I know very often. Shipping from Poland, cost 3-5 pounds.