lunkarya baby sows in darlington

Peruvian sows in Darlington

Peruvian sows in Darlington

Have some peruvian sows for sale £15 each these are longhaired guinea pigs

Lunkarya sows

Lunkarya sows

Two 9 week old lunkarya sisters ready for their new home they are up to date with mite treatment and will come with change over food these are a longhaired breed so will need grooming £20 each Ad ID:

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Lunkarya sows
Lunkarya sows

Lunkarya sows

Available between the 1st -8th July are two sister lunkies..a solid cream and a choc cream white..5* pet homes please but do need a bit of handling as they are nervous...will be lice and mite treated..change over food be homed as the pair £45..thanks Read More

2 lunkarya sows

2 lunkarya sows

2 Lovely dark eyed white lunkarya sows, they are mother and daughter, and virtually identical, only difference is baby has pink patches on her ears, mum is just over 1 year old, baby is about 3 months, ideally I would like them to go together but not necessary, £15 each or £25 for the pair Read More

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: 2 lunkarya sows
Lunkarya sows** reserved **

Lunkarya sows** reserved **

Available to reserve and leave around 5th June are two Lunkarya sows,an agouti and a solid golden,pet homes please.are routinely bathed lice and mite treated,change over food provided,collection only do please check distance before enquiring...price for pair..thanks Read More

Lunkarya sows** reserved **

Lunkarya sows** reserved **

Available to reserve and leave around 5th June are two Lunkarya sows,a choc agouti and a solid golden,pet homes preferred...are routinely bathed lice and mite treated,change over food provided,collection only do please check distance before enquiring...price for pair..thanks Read More

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Lunkarya sows** reserved **
Boars & sows available longhaired in Darlington

Boars & sows available longhaired in Darlington

Lunkarya cross boar 5 month old £20 peruvian boar 8 weeks old £15 peruvian sows two are 9 months old littered once and one is over a year littered once £25 each only selling due to cutting down all live in the house and well handled

3 Pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows

3 Pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows

3 pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows from very good lines both patents can be seen would make lovely pets or breeding sows 2 now sold only one black and white sow left now x Read More

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: 3 Pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows
3 Pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows

3 Pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows

3 pure Lunkarya Guinea pigs sows from very good lines both patents can be seen would make lovely pets or breeding sows Read More

Pedigree lunkarya long haired guinea pig sows

Pedigree lunkarya long haired guinea pig sows

I have available 1 dark eyed white sow and 1 pink eyed white sow £30 each or £50 the pair will come with change over food and pedigree Read more

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Pedigree lunkarya long haired guinea pig sows
SKINNY & CARRIER boars & sows & LUNKARYA females Guinea pigs

SKINNY & CARRIER boars & sows & LUNKARYA females Guinea pigs

Here at Cnk cavies we have available various skinny & skinny carrier boars We have chocolate, cream, gold, lemon agouti and other variations of varying ages. Skinny carrier boars are £30 Skinny boars are £70 We also have: lunkarya sows available for £30 each standard short haired sows for £15 each Dalmatian short haired boars for £20 each A £20 deposit per piggy secures them for you which is payable within 24hours of reserving your piggy. This is purely to stop timewasters and ensure a good home for my piggies. Full lifetime support and advice is available and a care sheet can be provided for those new to keeping piggies. We will not let any piggy leave here until they are a minimum of 6-8 weeks old and we are completely satisfied with their weight and health. Feel free to ask any questions: Read More

SKINNY & CARRIER boars & sows & LUNKARYA females Guinea pigs

SKINNY & CARRIER boars & sows & LUNKARYA females Guinea pigs

Here at Cnk cavies we have available various skinny & skinny carrier boars and sows We have chocolate, cream, gold, lemon agouti and other variations of varying ages. Skinny carrier boars are £30 Skinny boars are £70 Skinny carrier sows are £40 Skinny sows are £90 We also have: lunkarya sows available for £30 each standard short haired sows for £15 each Standard short haired boars for £10 each Dalmatian short haired boars for £20 each A £20 deposit per piggy secures them for you which is payable within 24hours of reserving your piggy. This is purely to stop timewasters and ensure a good home for my piggies. Full lifetime support and advice is available and a care sheet can be provided for those new to keeping piggies. We will not let any piggy leave here until they are a minimum of 6-8 weeks old and we are completely satisfied with their weight and health. Feel free to ask any questions: Read More

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: SKINNY & CARRIER boars & sows & LUNKARYA females Guinea pigs
Lunkarya pedigree guinea pigs 1 boar and 2 sows

Lunkarya pedigree guinea pigs 1 boar and 2 sows

Here at pearwood piggies i have 3 pedigree Lunkarya guinea pigs for sale 1 boar- Oberon who is gold and white 1 sow- Olive who is stunning slate, gold and white 1 sow- Olivia who is chocolate, gold and white They will be ready when they are 6 weeks old on the 23rd of December Please note they come with their full pedigree papers and cross over food. A non- refundable deposit of £15 will them. His stunning mum and dad can be seen. For any questions please message Many thanks Pearwood piggies The boars are £25 Sows are £45 Discount for more than piggy. Read more

Guinea pigs, California marked agouti's and Lunkarya Sows

Guinea pigs, California marked agouti's and Lunkarya Sows

We have some very nice California marked agouti's and Lunkarya guinea pigs sows for sale, all bred from our show stock, will make great pets or even possible show/ breeding stock, sows available. 8 weeks old Pet Facttors, 147 Manchester rd, Swinton, M274FH Read More

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Guinea pigs, California marked agouti's and Lunkarya Sows
Lunkarya baby boys in Caerphilly

Lunkarya baby boys in Caerphilly

Gold and white lunkarya brothers Ready in 4 weeks time when over 6 weeks of age Will leave with care sheets Handled since birth 2 pretty little boys £20 each

Pedigree Lunkarya baby Guinea pigs in Beverley

Pedigree Lunkarya baby Guinea pigs in Beverley

Pedigree lunkaryas 1 girl - (sow) Gold/black and white tri £30 1 girl - (sow) lilac and white £35 1 boy - (boar) black and white £25 They will be ready to leave around the th of December. 1 boy (boar) solid lilac £30- beginning of January 1 girl (sow) tri £30 - beginning of January 1 boy (boar) gold/white £25 - beginning of January 1 boy (boar) white/gold £25 - beginning of January Parents can be seen Lovely natured, calm piggies. Will be long haired, however in my opinion are easy to look after and do not require daily grooming. They will be invermectin treated etc Pedigree certificate also provided. Change over food From a loving busy,clean home I will not hold unless a non refundable deposit of £20 is taken. No timewasters, pic collectors etc please, Thankyou.

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Pedigree Lunkarya baby Guinea pigs in Beverley
Baby Lunkarya boys in Burton On Trent

Baby Lunkarya boys in Burton On Trent

Ready to reserve are two Lunkarya boars,one is nine weeks the other five weeks,can go to a new home from mid June...will make lovely pets..thanks.

Texel and lunkarya baby boys in Caerphilly

Texel and lunkarya baby boys in Caerphilly

I have 3 baby boys Not to leave until over 6 weeks of age 1 lilac texel 6 weeks old 1 lilac and white texel 5weeks old 1 black and white lunkarya 4 weeks old All will leave with turnover food and Caresheets Handled since birth No under 18s 5 star homes only £20 each

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Texel and lunkarya baby boys in Caerphilly
Lunkarya baby boys in Burton On Trent

Lunkarya baby boys in Burton On Trent

Available and ready to leave are two pairs of Lunkarya Guinea pigs..all pair are lilacs and one pair agoutis...big fluffy coats,some slight damage on the solid lilac due to his friend over grooming him:-) they are bathed,lice and mite treated,change over food provided..these are to be sold as pairs in the photos no single piggy sold,all are living together if you would like a group but will need a very large living area..they are £35 a pair sorry no offers....only enquire if you are wanting to give a home,if you wish to hold a pair for longer than a few days then full payment is required..sorry but had previous timewasters...viewings are welcome,come and meet them..many thanks.

Lunkarya baby boys in Burton On Trent

Lunkarya baby boys in Burton On Trent

Available and ready to leave are two pairs of Lunkarya Guinea pigs..all pair are lilacs and one pair agoutis...big fluffy coats,some slight damage on the solid lilac due to his friend over grooming him:-) these have also had a coat trim so more manageable, the other pair are a lemon and a cream agouti...agouti boys are now "Reserved" just the lilac pair left.......are bathed and mite and lice treated,.change over food provided..viewings are welcome...price for pair..

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Lunkarya baby boys in Burton On Trent
Baby Lunkarya Guinea pigs in Burton On Trent

Baby Lunkarya Guinea pigs in Burton On Trent

Two baby Guinea pig boys,Lunkarya longhaired curly breed,8 weeks old and ready for new homes,are routinely mite and lice treated change over food provided..price for pair.. Not sure my emails are being returned..but these are still available..updated 30 May..genuine interest only please.

Stunning friendly Lunkarya baby boy brothers in Caerphilly

Stunning friendly Lunkarya baby boy brothers in Caerphilly

All over 8 weeks old and looking for there new home 2 stunning Lunkarya brothers Will leave with care sheets and turnover food All friendly and living together in a group. Will be treated with ivermectim up on leaving. Lunkaryas

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Stunning friendly Lunkarya baby boy brothers in Caerphilly
Male lunkarya x baby guinea pig. in Wokingham

Male lunkarya x baby guinea pig. in Wokingham

I have a male Lunkarya x baby guinea pig who is now ready for a loving new home. He would love to go to a home to partner an existing boar as his brother has just gone. I do not sell guinea pigs to live solitary lives or as companions for rabbits. He has been wormed and mite treated before leaving here. Please bring a suitable pet carrier to take her home in.

Beautiful lunkarya baby girl guinea pigs in Caerphilly

Beautiful lunkarya baby girl guinea pigs in Caerphilly

2 lunkarya's baby girl guinea pigs Sisters so are bonded so ideal to leave together. I won't spilt them. Leave with caresheets and turnover food 5 weeks at the moment ready next weekend when over 6 weeks old £30 each

Related products lunkarya baby sows in darlington: Beautiful lunkarya baby girl guinea pigs in Caerphilly
2 lunkarya baby guinea pigs wanted in Pontefract

2 lunkarya baby guinea pigs wanted in Pontefract

2 boy guinea pigs wanted must be babies loving home awaits x
