lot with 4 books about chicken breeds

Lot with 4 books about chicken breeds

Lot with 4 books about chicken breeds

1. A.W. Wulfften Palthe, P.A. Kroon, A. Boks - De Nederlandse Hoenders in Prespectief - Personal Media Solutions, pp. - hardcover - 32 x 25 cm.2. Luuk Hans - Gekuifd. De Nederlandse kuif- en baardkuifhoenders in historisch en cultureel prespectief -Eigen Beheer, pp. - hardcover - 32 x 25 cm.Print run of 500 copies. 3. Henk Moezelaar - De Oud-Hollandse Kapucijn, De duifjes van Jan Steen. Geschiedenis van het ras, raskenmerken, wetenswaardigheden, nuttige wenken, clubfeiten, dankwoord.- Eigen Beheer, pp. - hardcover - 25 x20 cm. 4. Jack Beljaars - Kroniek van de Hollandse Kroppers in de jaren tachtig van de twintigste eeuw. Geschiedenis, raskenmerken, wetenswaardigheiden, nuttige wenken en clubfeiten.- Eigen Beheer, pp. - hardcover - 25 x 20 cm. Read More

Lot with 2 book about pigeon breeds -

Lot with 2 book about pigeon breeds -

1. C.S. Th. Van Gink en C.A.M. Spruijt - Onze Duiven in Woord en Beeld, Volume 7 through 12 / Pleines Album VII through XII. Bound in one binding - Boek- en plaatdrukkerij Koch & Knuttel, Gouda, pp. per volume - Hardcover - 24.5 x 28.5 cm. In good condition. Complete with all of the illustrations, text block has slight foxing (not or barely on the illustrations). 2. C.A.M. Spruit - De Tuimelaarrassen - N.V. Drukkerij v/h Koch & Knuttel, pp. - Hardcover - 17.5 x 24.5 cm. In good condition. Linen spine is slightly damaged at the top and is slightly loose. Text block has some scattered stains. Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Lot with 2 book about pigeon breeds -
Judaica; Lot with 4 books about Bulgarian Jewry -  /

Judaica; Lot with 4 books about Bulgarian Jewry - /

1. ??????? ????????? - ??????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? - Vidin pages - Softcover - 16 x 24 cm - Condition: Fairbut binding loose, book is complete2. Bnei Britin Bulgaria publication - Sofia, pages - Softcover - 16 x 23 cm - Condition: Fairbut binding loose, book is complete3. Bnei Britin Bulgaria publication - Sofia, pages - Softcover - 15 x 22.5 cm - Condition: Fair 4. Jewish Mariage contracts - Sofia, pages - 17.5 x 25 cm - Condition: Fair Read More

Architecture; Lot with 4 books about Dutch architects and

Architecture; Lot with 4 books about Dutch architects and

1. A. van Vliet - Het bouwen van landhuizen naar werken van Jan Rebel - Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, st edition - 196 pp. - Cloth - cm.In good condition.The corners are slightly damaged.Richly illustrated in black-and-white.2. Sergio Polano - Hendrik Petrus Berlage: Het complete werk - Alphen aan den Rijn, Atrium, st edition - 268 pp. - paperback - cm.In good condition.Richly illustrated, mainly in black-and-white.3. Guido Hoogewoud - Janjaap Kuyt - Aart Oxenaar - P.J.H. Cuypers and Amsterdam: gebouwen en ontwerpen - Staatsdrukkerij, st edition -140 pp. - paperback - cm.In good condition.The front cover has a fold at the bottom.Richly illustrated in black-and-white.4. Jhr. Mr. F.O.J. Sickhinge (intr.) - De Industrieel Groote Club & Gebouw Industria - Abcoude, Uniepers, st edition - 31 pp. - Cloth - cm.In very good condition.With dust jacket, which has two small holes on the side (see photo).Richly illustrated in black-and-white.The colours are not always displayed correctly, as the sun was shining when the photos were taken. There is also some shade on the pages.Will be sent by registered mail. Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Architecture; Lot with 4 books about Dutch architects and
WW II; Lot with 4 books about the infamous Waffen-SS -

WW II; Lot with 4 books about the infamous Waffen-SS -

1 - Christopher Ailsby - De geschiedenis van de Waffen-SS, , het geillustreerde verhaal van de gevreesde elitetroepen van het Derde Rijk - Aartselaar, Zuidnederlandse Uitgeverij, pp. - Hardcover - 29.5 x 24.5 cm.2 - Gordon Williamson - The SS: Hitler’s Instrument of Terror, the full story from street fighters to the Waffen-SS - London, Sidgwick & Jackson, nd edition - 256 pp. - Hardcover - 29 x 22 cm. In English.3 - Ian Baxter - Die Waffen-SS an der Westfront, mit 250 zum gröszten Teil bisher noch nie veröffentlichten Fotos - Klagenfurt, Neuer Kaiser Verlag, st edtion - 192 pp. - Hardcover - 29 x 22 cm. In German. 4 - Heinz Höhne - Het zwarte Korps onder de Doodskop, geschiedenis van de SS - Baarn, In den Toren, nd edition - 496 pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket - 22 x 14 x 4.5 cm.All items in excellent condition.(Total of 4).Shipping with Track & Trace and abroad with registration. Read More

Tiles; Lot with 4 books about Portuguese and Spanish tiles -

Tiles; Lot with 4 books about Portuguese and Spanish tiles -

1. J.M. Dos Santos SimÔes - Carreaux céramiques Hollandais au Portugal et en Espagne - La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, pp + 39 plates - cloth binding with gilt prints - cmCondition: Very good.2. João Saavreda Machado - Azulejos do hospital termal das Caldas da Rainha. Séculos XVI-XVIII - Caldas da Rainha, Museu de José Malhoa, pp - softcover - cmCondition: Very good. Cover partly discoloured.3. Various authors - Azulejos - Brussels, Gemeentekrediet, pp - softcover - cmCondition: Very good.4. João Castel-Branco Pereira - Portuguese tiles from the National Museum of Azulejo, Lisbon - London, Zwemmer, pp - cloth binding with dust jacket - cmCondition: Very good.Will be sent by registered mail.Can also be picked up in Haarlem.Internal code: JL Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Tiles; Lot with 4 books about Portuguese and Spanish tiles -
Lot with 4 books about symbolism in the religious art of the

Lot with 4 books about symbolism in the religious art of the

1. F.D.K. Bosch - De Gouden Kiem * Inleiding in de Indische symboliek - Amsterdam, Elsevier, - xix, 310 pp. - Decorated linen binding - 24.5 x 18 cm - In good condition - dust jacket (rarely present!) is slightly damaged (see photo).Illustrated with 72 black/white illustrations with numerous images.2. N.J. Krom - De levensgeschiedenis van den Buddha op Barabudur - The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, pp. text - Half linen binding - 28 x 19 cm - In good condition.The stages of Buddha’s life illustrated with relief depictions of the temple (section with 120 black/white illustrations).3.C. Pleyte - Die Buddhalegende in den Skulpturen des Tempels von Barabudur - Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, pp. - Decorated linen binding - 32 x 24 cm - In good condition (binding has slightly damaged corners - flyleaves have some slight foxing).The life of Buddha is depicted in 120 drawn images. Nice binding and page decorations.4. F.D.K. Bosch - Buddhistische gegevens uit Balische handschriften - Amsterdam, pp. - Paper edition - 23 x 16 cm - Cover is in moderate condition.With 4 illustrations. Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde Volume 68, Series B, No. 3. Read More

Chicken Books -Job Lot

Chicken Books -Job Lot

Chicken Books -Job Lot 5 books on How to keep Chickens excellent condition Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Chicken Books -Job Lot
Aerial warfare; Lot with 4 books about the aerial warfare in

Aerial warfare; Lot with 4 books about the aerial warfare in

Lot consists of:1. P.C. Boer - De luchtstrijd om Indië, operaties van de militaire luchtvaart KNIL in de periode december -maart - Houten, Van Holkema & Warendorf, pp. - bound with dust jacket - 28 x 20 cm. Condition: As new. With a small crease on the top of the dust jacket. 2) P.C. Boer - De luchtstrijd rond Borneo, december -februari - Houten, Van Holkema & Warendorf, pp. - bound with dust jacket - 28 x 20 cm. In new condition. 3) O.G. Ward - De Militaire Luchtvaart van het KNIL in de Jaren - Houten, Van Holkema & Warendorf, pp. - bound with dust jacket - 28 x 20 cm. Condition: As new. The front of the dust jacket has a visible light scratch. 4) O.G. Ward - De Militaire Luchtvaart van het KNIL - Houten, Van Holkema & Warendorf, pp. - bound with dust jacket - 28 x 20 cm. In new condition. (Total of 4) Read More

Porcelain; Lot with 4 books -

Porcelain; Lot with 4 books -

Samuel WittwerA Royal Menagerie - Meissen Porcelain AnimalsThe J. Paul Getty MuseumISBN: pagesSoftcover21cm x26 cmCondition: GoodVarious authors; Final Editing Karin GaillardDeliciously decadent\ tableware of the 20th and 21st centuries010 Publishers Rotterdam, ; Published to accompany the exhibition of the same name, 21 March to 24 October Princessehof Leeuwarden, National Museum of CeramicsISBN pagesHardcover24.5 cm x 31 cmCondition: Very GoodVarious authors; final editing Ank TrumpiePretty Dutch - 18th Century Dutch Porcelain010 Publishers Rotterdam, ; Published to accompany the exhibition of the same name, 22 april to 28 October Princessehof Leeuwarden, National Museum of CeramicsISBN pagesHardcover24.5 cm x 31 cmCondition: Very GoodVarious authors; final editing by Johan KraftnerLiechtenstein Museum Vienna - Baroque Luxury Porcelain - The manufactories of Du Paquier in Vienna and of Carlo Ginori in FlorencePrestelISBN pagesSoftcover14 cm x 28 cmCondition: Very Good Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Porcelain; Lot with 4 books -
Zodiaque; Lot with 4 books -

Zodiaque; Lot with 4 books -

1. Dante / Wilhelm G. Hertz - Tympanon in der Romanik. SĂŒdfrankreich - Echter-Verlag, pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket - cm.2. Texte mittelalterlicher Autoren - Romanischer Christus. Christus am Kreuz - Echter-Verlag, c. pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket - cm.3. Paul Claudel - Die Welt von VĂ©zelay - Echter-Verlag, pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket - cm.4. Richard Sattelmair (translation) - Romanische Madonnen. Das motiv der thronenden Muttergottes in Frankreich und Spanien - Zodiaque, pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket - cm.Condition: very good. One cover with a small tear.(total of 4, total weight 3.66 kg) Read More

Lot with 8 books by Rudolf Steiner and 2 books about Rudolf

Lot with 8 books by Rudolf Steiner and 2 books about Rudolf

1.Esoterische Betrachtungen - Die geistigen Wesenheiten in den Himmelskörpern und Naturreichen – Philosophisch-Antroposophischer Verlag, pp. – 24 x 18.5 cm – hardcover – nice. 2.Het occultisme in grote trekken Couvreur, pp. – 21 x 13.5 cm – paperback – in very good condition – translation A. Terwiel.3.De opvoeding van het Kind in het licht van de Anthroposophie – de Haan, pp. – 19 x 13 cm – paperback - in good condition.4.De wetenschap van de geheimen der ziel – Geestesleven, , fifth completely revised edition – 311 pp. -19 x 13.5 cm – paperback – in very good condition – translation of the 21st-25th print run, by F. Wilmar – here and there a textual improvement by pen, the note on page 26 was newly applied– ISBN .5.Sociale en antisociale impulsen in de mens, a lecture held in Bern on December – Vrij Geesteleven, pp. - 18.5 x 11.5 cm – paperback – as new – ISBN .6.Raadsels van het menselijk temperament, ontvankelijk zijn voor het niet zintuiglijk waarneembare kan openbaren wat het leven betekent – Vrij Geestesleven, pp. – 17.5 x 12 cm – paperback – as new, with name on the flyleaf – ISBN .7.Gezondheid en ziekte – Vrij Geestesleven, pp. – 17.5 x 12 cm – paperback – in good condition, with name on the flyleaf – ISBN .8.De liefde en haar betekenis in de wereld – Christofoor, nd edition – 39 pp. – 20 x 11.5 cm – paperback - as new – ISBN .9.J. Kraamwinkel – Rudolf Steiner -een inleiding met kernteksten – Kok, pp. – 20.5 x 13 cm – paperback – new – ISBN .10.Johannes Hemleben - Rudolf Steiner, antwoord op de toekomst – biography– Lemniscaat, nd revised edition – 154 pp. – 21.5 x 14.5 cm – paperback – in good condition - a note with the explanation of a word, ex-libris, and name on the flyleaf. Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Lot with 8 books by Rudolf Steiner and 2 books about Rudolf
WW II; Lot with 4 books about WW II -

WW II; Lot with 4 books about WW II -

1) Mr. R.J.E.M van Zinnicq Bergman, Het doel bereikt, , with a personal introduction by Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid Prins Bernhard, 208 pp., autographed, see photos, in very good condition, 22.1 x 15.2 cm, hardcover.2) Peter Hintzen, Duitsland bewogen hart van Europa, een beknopte geschiedenis, , autographed by the wife of Peter, named Digna Hintzen, see photo, 272 pp., in good condition, 23.8x 15.4 cm, softcover.3) David Cesari, Eichmann de definitieve Biografie, , Uitgeverij Manteau, Antwerp, cover illustration detailed by Harry Mulisch in the case , photo of the author Mark Gerson, original publisher (of the foreign version) Heinemann, a beautifully written biography, 453 pp., in good condition, 22.9x 14.9 cm, softcover.4) C. Van Woodward, De slag om Leyte Golf, de ondergang van De Japanse vloot tijdens de grootste zeeslag uit de Tweede wereldoorlog, , beautiful photo presentation, 188 pp., 27 x 21 cm, softcover.All books are in fine condition.(Total of 4) Read More

Erwin Blumenfeld - Lot with 4 books -

Erwin Blumenfeld - Lot with 4 books -

The lot includes:1. Blumenfeld, My One Hundred Best Photos. Text by Hendel Teicher; translated by Philippe Garner, with Luna Carne-Ross; introduction by Maurice Besset. - New York, Rizzoli, pp. - cmCondition: good.2. Erwin Blumenfeld - Durch tausendjĂ€hrige Zeit: Erinnerungen. Vorwort von Alfred Andersch. - MĂŒnchen, Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, pp. - cmAutobiography.Condition: good. 3. Attilio Colombo - Erwin Blumenfeld- Paris, Union des Editions Modernes, pp. - cmLes Grands maĂźtres de la photoCondition: good.4. Erwin Blumenfeld: [photos] - [Paris: Contrejour, ] pp. - 10 photo cards; cm - FNAC GaleriesBox with photo cards, condition: good (spine discoloured). Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Erwin Blumenfeld - Lot with 4 books -
EugĂšne Atget; Lot with 4 books -

EugĂšne Atget; Lot with 4 books -

Laure Beaumont-Maillet, Atget Paris. Text in French and English. Gingko Press. p. Ills. Paperback/ dustjacket.Traces of use on dustjacket and cover. Size: 19 x 14 cm.Jean-Claude Lemagny and others: Atget le pionnier. Marval. pp. Incl. full-color photographs. Cloth/ dustj. Dustj. sl. frayed and discoloured. Size: 34 x 25 cm.John Szarkowski & Maria Morris Hambourg, The Work of Atget. Volume II: The Art of Old Paris. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, p. With 117 plates & 95 reference ills. Cloth with dustjacket. Traces of use. Size: 30 x 27 cm.John Szarkowski & Maria Morris Hambourg, The Work of Atget. Volume III: The Ancient Regime. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, p. With 120 plates & 47 reference ills. Cloth with dustjacket. Traces of use. Size: 30 x 27 cm. Read More

David Bailey - Lot with 4 books -

David Bailey - Lot with 4 books -

1. David Bailey - Black and White Memories. Photographs . Text by Martin Harrison - London, Dent, pp., 129 pp. with photos - cmCondition: good (dust jacket slightly discoloured and creased).2. David Bailey - Mrs. David Bailey. Preface by J.H. Lartique; introduction by Briain Clarke - New York, Rizzoli, vol.: 81 photos - cmCondition: good.3.David Bailey / Martin Harrison. - London, Collins, pp. - cmThe great photographersCondition: good.4.David Bailey [photos] - [Paris, Contrejour, ] pp. - 10 photo cards - cmFNAC Galeries no. 14Box with photo cards, condition: good (spine discoloured). Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: David Bailey - Lot with 4 books -
Lot with five books about Paris -

Lot with five books about Paris -

Louis Blanc - Edouard Fournier - Parijs in - Rotterdam/Leiden - Nijgh en van den Heuvell, & van Santen st edition - 446 pp. - Hardcover - 20 x 13.5 cm. - Good.Kees Scherer - Het Parijs van de vijftiger jaren - Baarn, Trion st edition - 184 pp. - Hardcover including dust jacket - 28.7 x 21.5 cm. - Nice.J. Prévert - R. Urhausen - Les Halles de Paris - Munich - Heinz Moos Verlag - st edition - Softcover - Good.J. Cocteau - U. Valance - Nico Jesse - Parijs - Amsterdam/Brussels - Elsevier - st edition - 304 pp. - Hardcover - 27.8 x 20.5 cm. - Good.J. Damase - D. Frasnay - 100 jaar Parijs - Utrecht - Bruna & Zoon - st edition - pp. - Softcover - 17.5 x 11.5 cm. - Good.No names written into the books. For a good impression, please look at the photos. Read More

Lot with 5 books about saints -

Lot with 5 books about saints -

1. Pater Marcus - Echte kinderen van sint Franciscus - Kruisvaarders van St. Jan - Rijswijk - pp. - Hardcover, bound - 32 x 26 cm. In very good condition. Copy from the Kloosterbibliotheek of Oudenbosch.Drawings by Lady M. Bosch van Drakenstein. 2. Pater Heribertus - Sint Franciscus van Assisi - NV Brepols - Turnhout - pp. - Hardcover, bound - 27 x 20 cm. In very good condition. 3-5 J.D. Broeckaert and others - Benedictus en zijn monniken in de Nederlanden - L. Vanmelle and others - pp. - Softcover, bound - 25 x 18 cm. In very good condition. Three catalogues published for the exhibition in the Sint Pietersabdij in Ghent - Numbered copies. Registered shipping. In Belgium it is possible to ship via Kiala. Too much paid shipping costs will be reimbursed. Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Lot with 5 books about saints -
Lot with 7 books about Cobra -

Lot with 7 books about Cobra -

The lot contains:Marcel Paquet - Corneille: of de sensualiteit van het gevoel - Jaski / Meulenhoff - pp. - hardcover with dust jacket - cm - condition: good, minor moisture damage (see pictures), unobtrusiveBernhard Sandee; Koos de Jong - Jan Sierhuis: Een doorgaande stroom / a continuous flow - Sdu - pp. - cloth hardcover with dust jacket - cm - condition: good (minor wear to the dust jacket). Text in Dutch and English. Willemijn Stokvis - Cobra 3 dimensionaal: Werk in hout, klei, metaal, steen, gips, afval, polyester, brood, keramiek - V+K Publishing - pp. - paperback with flaps - cm - condition: as new.Willemijn Stokvis - Cobra: de Internationale van Experimentele Kunstenaars - Meulenhoff / Landshoff - pp. - hardcover with dust jacket - cm - condition: goodEd Wingen; Vincent Vlasblom - Het kind in Cobra - Cobra Edities - pp. - cloth hardcover with dust jacket - cm - condition: very goodKarel Appel; Rudi Fuchs (ed.) - Ik wou dat ik een vogel was: Berichten uit het Atelier - Haags Gemeentemuseum / Meulenhoff - pp. - sewn paperback with flaps - cm - condition, fair, reading fold in the spine.Franz Kaiser - Karel Appel: - Haags Gemeentemuseum - pp. - sewn paperback with flaps - cm - condition: good.(total: 7) Read More

Judaica; Lot with 4 books Sifrei Kodesh -

Judaica; Lot with 4 books Sifrei Kodesh -

2 books bound in one volume:1. The book Kol Yaakov by Maggid Dubno-Warsaw - pages- Hardcover - 15 x 22 cm - poor condition2. Kol Nehi – “mourning and lamentation upon the death of the Torah giant the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spector”, by Rabbi Shlomo Yechezkel Segal. Vilna - pages - Hardcover - 15 x 22 cm - fair condition3. Mishnah Shabbat Tiferet Yisrael - Warsaw - pages - Hardcover - 15 x 22 cm - poor condition4.  Sefer HaIkrimby Rabbi Yosef Albo -Warsaw - pages - Hardcover - 15 x 22 cm - poor condition Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Judaica; Lot with 4 books Sifrei Kodesh -
Lot with 4 books on Henri Matisse -

Lot with 4 books on Henri Matisse -

Patrice Deparpe, Beatrix Ruf & Maurice Rummens, The Oasis of Matisse. Exhibition: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. p. Ills. Paperback. 27 x 22 cm.Henri Matisse: Le Maroc de Matisse. Institut du Monde Arabe, 19 octobre au 30 janvier . Gallimard. 255 p. Ills. Softcover. 31 x 23 cm.Hilary Spurling, Matisse the Master. A Life of Henri Matisse. The Conquest of Colour, . Alfred A. Knopf, , xxi-512 p. Softcover. 23 x 17 x 4 cm.Gilles NĂ©ret: Henri Matisse, Scherenschnitte. Taschen, p. Ills. Softcover. 22 x 18 cm. Read More

Lot with 2 books about architecture drawings -

Lot with 2 books about architecture drawings -

1. Edward Robbins - Why Architects Draw - Cambridge/London, The MIT Press, pp - ring binder with cardboard covers - cmIn good to very good condition.2. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani - Architecture of the 20th century in drawings. Utopia and Reality - New York, Rizzoli, - first edition - 195 pp - cloth binding with original dust jacket - cmIn good condition.(total of 2).Item 1 also contains interviews with Renzo Piano, Alvaro Siza, Itsuko Hasegawa and others. Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Lot with 2 books about architecture drawings -
Faience; Lot with 2 books about Delftware -

Faience; Lot with 2 books about Delftware -

1. Jan Boyazoglu - Delft, capitale de la faïence - France, Saint-Omer, pp - softcover - cmCondition: Fine. Cover slightly yellowed on the edges.2. Antoinette Faÿ-Hallé & Christine Lahaussois - La faïence européenne au XVIIe siÚcle. Le triomphe de Delft - Paris, Editon par Réunion des Musées nationaux, pp - hardcover - cmCondition: Near mint.Will be sent by registered mail.Can also be picked up in Haarlem.Internal code: JL Read More

Lot with 5 books about book history -

Lot with 5 books about book history -

Stanley Morison - Four centuries of fine printing - London, Ernest Benn, pp. - Linen with dust jacket - In good condition.Georg Kurt Schauer - Internationale Buchkunst im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert - Ravensburg, Otto Maier, pp. - Linen with dust jacket - In good condition.S.H. Steinberg - Five hundred years of printing - London, Faber & Faber, pp. Linen with dust jacket - In good condition. The dust jacket has a few damages.Marieke van Delft (ed.) - New perspectives in book history. Contributions from the Low Countries - Zutphen, Walburg, Pers, pp. - Sewn - In good condition.[Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, ed.] - A treasure house of books. The library of Duke August of Brunswick-WolfenbĂŒttel - Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp. - Linen with dust jacket - In good condition. Read More

Related products lot with 4 books about chicken breeds: Lot with 5 books about book history -
Lot with 13 books about Western philosophy -

Lot with 13 books about Western philosophy -

1. Ronald Hayman - Sartre. A biography - Simon and Schuster - pp. - Bound half linen, with dust jacket - 16 x 24 cm.2. A.J.Ayer -Wittgenstein - Weidenfeld and Nicolson - pp. - Bound with dust jacket - 16 x 24 cm.3. Rudiger Safranski - Schopenhauer and the wild years of philosophy - Harvard Un. Press - pp. - Bound linen with dust jacket - 16 x 24 cm.Much praised biography by Srafanski.4. Rudiger Safranski - Ein Meister aus Deutschland. Heidegger und seine Zeit - Hanser verlag - pp. - Bound linen with dust jacket and ribbon marker - 15 x 22 cm.Is considered the reference work about Heidegger.5. Antonio Damasio - Het gelijk van Spinoza - Wereldbibliotheek - pp. - Sewn with wrappers - 14 x 22 cm.6. Martin Heidegger - Holzwege - Klostermann - pp. - Sewn with dust jacket - 14 x 20 cm.Holzwege was first published in , and contains essays from the years . Barber van der Pol - Lieve Erasmus, verkeren met een denker - Atheneum, Polak & Van Gennep - pp. - Paperback - 14 x 21 cm.Review of the essays in which humanism developed.8. Hegel - Philosophy of Right - Oxford Un. Press - pp. - Paperback - 14 x 20 cm.English edition of this important work by Hegel about law, jurisdiction, moral, and the role of the nation.9. Martin Buber - De geschiedenis van het moderne individu - Ten Have - pp. - Bound with dust jacket - 13 x 21 cm.This text preceded “Ich und Du”, and is first published here.10. Immanuel Kant - Kritik der reinen Vernunft - Felix Meiner Verlag - pp. - Bound, linen, with 2 ribbon markers - 13 x 19 cm.Beautiful India paper edition of this philosophical classic.11. Soren Kierkegaard - Dagboekteksten, brieven en werken - Kok - pp. - Paperback - 12 x 21 cm.A choice from the works of this philosopher and theologian.12. Descartes - Over de methode - Boom - pp. - Paperback - 12 x 20 cm.Classic, still important philosophical text from . Bertrand Russell - Geschiedenis van de westerse filosofie - Servire - pp. - Bound with dust jacket - 15 x 22 cm.Added for the bigger picture.All books are in good condition. Books 2, 6, and 13 have a name on the flyleaf.Always the better editions, a total of 13, 7 kilograms. Read More
