lot with 2 books by topor

Lot with 2 books by Topor -

Lot with 2 books by Topor -

The lot contains:1. Roland Topor - Souvenir - of , Thomas Rap & De Harmonie, unpaginated - softcover - cm.Condition: good. Slightly discoloured, some rust around the staples. Because the text is crossed out and the belly band is missing, it is not possible to identify any edition or publisher.* A beautiful artist's book of Topor is “Souvenir”. In it Topor crossed out all the sentences, making this Fluxus book illegible and thus unsellable. Fluxus took action against the art object that only exists for commercial reasons. (Source: kunstenaarsboeken.blogspot.nl)2. Roland Topor - Je 't aime. A Pillow Talk - Munich, Gina Kehayoff, - Hardcover with dust jacket - 96 pp. - cm.Condition: good. Spine of jacket slightly discoloured.(Total of: 2) Read More

Lot with 2 emblem books with illustrations by Jan Luyken -

Lot with 2 emblem books with illustrations by Jan Luyken -

The lot contains:1. De werken van Willem Sluyter - Amsterdam, Wed. Gysbert de Groot, - In 19th-century half-cloth binding - cm.Contains: Somer en winterleven. Amsterdam, wed. Gysbert de Groot, pp. Eybergseche Sang-lust. - Amsterdam, wed. Gysbert de Groot, pp. Vreugd- en liefdes-sangen - Amsterdam, wed. Gysbert de Groot, pp. Sterf-gesangen - pp. - Lykreden - pp. - Gesangen - pp.Condition: fair. Some water spots in the margins, binding with light wear. The first work in this binding contains a title engraving and various prints by Jan Luyken.2. Joannes Luiken - Vonken der liefde Jezus - Rotterdam, Abraham Bothall, . Revised edition - 212 pp. - hardcover publisher’s binding - cm. Condition: fair. Binding with wear, bookblock uncut.Complete with title engraving and 50 engravings by Jan Luyken. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Lot with 2 emblem books with illustrations by Jan Luyken -
Lot with 8 books by Rudolf Steiner and 2 books about Rudolf

Lot with 8 books by Rudolf Steiner and 2 books about Rudolf

1.Esoterische Betrachtungen - Die geistigen Wesenheiten in den Himmelskörpern und Naturreichen – Philosophisch-Antroposophischer Verlag, pp. – 24 x 18.5 cm – hardcover – nice. 2.Het occultisme in grote trekken Couvreur, pp. – 21 x 13.5 cm – paperback – in very good condition – translation A. Terwiel.3.De opvoeding van het Kind in het licht van de Anthroposophie – de Haan, pp. – 19 x 13 cm – paperback - in good condition.4.De wetenschap van de geheimen der ziel – Geestesleven, , fifth completely revised edition – 311 pp. -19 x 13.5 cm – paperback – in very good condition – translation of the 21st-25th print run, by F. Wilmar – here and there a textual improvement by pen, the note on page 26 was newly applied– ISBN .5.Sociale en antisociale impulsen in de mens, a lecture held in Bern on December – Vrij Geesteleven, pp. - 18.5 x 11.5 cm – paperback – as new – ISBN .6.Raadsels van het menselijk temperament, ontvankelijk zijn voor het niet zintuiglijk waarneembare kan openbaren wat het leven betekent – Vrij Geestesleven, pp. – 17.5 x 12 cm – paperback – as new, with name on the flyleaf – ISBN .7.Gezondheid en ziekte – Vrij Geestesleven, pp. – 17.5 x 12 cm – paperback – in good condition, with name on the flyleaf – ISBN .8.De liefde en haar betekenis in de wereld – Christofoor, nd edition – 39 pp. – 20 x 11.5 cm – paperback - as new – ISBN .9.J. Kraamwinkel – Rudolf Steiner -een inleiding met kernteksten – Kok, pp. – 20.5 x 13 cm – paperback – new – ISBN .10.Johannes Hemleben - Rudolf Steiner, antwoord op de toekomst – biography– Lemniscaat, nd revised edition – 154 pp. – 21.5 x 14.5 cm – paperback – in good condition - a note with the explanation of a word, ex-libris, and name on the flyleaf. Read More

Lot with 2 books by E. Heimans and Jac.

Lot with 2 books by E. Heimans and Jac.

1. E. Heimans and Jac. P. Thijsse - “Geïllustreerde Flora van Nederland, handleiding voor het bepalen van den naam der in Nederland wildgroeiende en verbouwde gewassen met ruim figuurtjes” - W. Versluys in Amsterdam, st edition, first thousand copies - 400 pp. - softcover - 13 x 19 cm.In good condition.2. E. Heimans en Jac. P. Thijsse - “Wandelboekje voor Natuurvrienden, met een kleine flora in atlas-vorm en vele andere afbeeldingen” - W. Versluys, Amsterdam, nd edition of the 4th to 6th thousand copies - 208 pp - half linen hardcover with illustration - 14 x 20 cm.In fair condition (see photos).Lot will be sent by registered mail. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Lot with 2 books by E. Heimans and Jac.
Roland Topor - Topor-Souvenir - ()

Roland Topor - Topor-Souvenir - ()

Roland ToporTopor-SouvenirHarmonie /AmsterdamNo year of publication (= )Unpaginated (16 pp.)Stapled. cmGood to very good used condition (endpapers are slightly yellowed, cover somewhat discoloured and the crucialbelly band is also slightly discoloured).¶ In publisher Jaco Groot was talking to the artist Roland Topor in a Paris cafĂ©. The conversation was about unreadable books. “I have made such a book,” said Topor, “tomorrow, same time, same cafĂ©, I bring it.” The next day when Groot saw the booklet, he said to Topor’s amazement: “We will publish it!” The book was published by Thomas Rap, followed by a second edition by publishing house De Harmonie in . Later Topor was interviewed by Adriaan van Dis in his television programme on books. Van Dis gave Topor the unreadable book and asked him to read from it. Topor, unprepared, spontaneously put a hand in front of his mouth and started reading, mumbling unintelligibly. Publisher Groot is the only person in the world who knows which text was made unreadable by Topor (source: bieslog.vpro.nl).The pictures provide a good impression of this lot and show all the details. Read More

Lot with 9 books by Krishnamurti

Lot with 9 books by Krishnamurti

1.De onmogelijke vraag – Wassenaar, Servire, pp. – 13 x 20 cm – paperback – in good condition – ISBN .2.Laat het verleden los – Wassenaar, Servire, nd edition – 123 pp. – 12 x 20 cm - paperback – in mediocre condition. 3.Portret van een onafhankelijk denker – Amsterdam, de Driehoek, pp. – 12 x 20 cm – paperback – in mediocre condition.4.De adelaar in zijn vlucht – Wassenaar, Servire, pp. – 12 x 20 cm – paperback – in good condition - ISBN .5.De enige revolutie – Wassenaar, Servire, without date/print – 175 pp. – 12 x 20 cm – paperback – in good condition. 6.Commentaar op het leven – The Hague, Boucher, st edition – 336 pp. – 14 x 20 cm – bound – in very good condition. 7.Het Pad – uitgave Orde van de Ster in het Oosten van Nederland, pp. – 13 x 19 cm – notebook – in good condition.8.Van waarheid en leven – Bosch en Duin, Star Publishing Trust, nd edition – 267 pp. – 15.5 x 20.5 cm - paperback – in good condition.9.De wereld dat ben jij – Wassenaar, Servire, st edition – 175 pp. – 12.5 x 20.5 cm – paperback - in mediocre condition, with name stamp. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Lot with 9 books by Krishnamurti
Jac. P. Thijsse - Lot with 2 books by E. Heimans and Jac. P.

Jac. P. Thijsse - Lot with 2 books by E. Heimans and Jac. P.

1. E. Heimans & Jac. P. Thijsse - Hei en dennen - Amsterdam, W. Versluijs, nd edition - 228 pp. - hardcover binding with linen spine - 20 x 14 cm.In good, antique condition.2.E. Heimans & Jac. P. Thijsse - In sloot en plas - Amsterdam, W. Versluijs, rd expanded edition - 201 pp. - hardcover binding with linen spine - 20 x 14 cm.In good, antique condition.All books are beautifully illustrated, both in colour,and in black and white.Will be sent by registered mail. Read More

Lot with 10 books by Jozef Rulof-

Lot with 10 books by Jozef Rulof-

The books are all published by the Geestelijk Wetenschappelijk Genootschap "De eeuw van Christus" in The Hague and are all in very good condition.-"Door de Grebbelinie naar het eeuwige leven", fourth edition, , hardcover, 271 pp.-"Kringloop der ziel, fourth edition, , hardcover, 289 pp.-"Tussen leven en dood", second edition, hardcover, 429 pp.-"Maskers en mensen", second edition, hardcover, pp.-"Jeus van moeder Crisje"., second edition, first volume, hardcover, pp.-"Jeus van moeder Crisje", second edition, second volume, hardcover, pp.-"Jeus van moeder Crisje", second edition, third volume, hardcover, pp.-"Een blik in het hiernamaals", fifteenth edition, hardcover, pp.-"Het ontstaan van het heelal", third edition, hardcover, pp.-"Zij die terugkeerden uit de dood", hardcover, pp. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Lot with 10 books by Jozef Rulof-
Lot with 9 theological books by Cyrille D'Alexandrie &

Lot with 9 theological books by Cyrille D'Alexandrie &

Lot contains:The books by Cyrille D'Alexandrie are in two languages, the text on the left is in (Old) Greek and the text on the right page contains the French translation.Lettres Festales I-VI - Cerf - Sources ChrĂ©tiennes pp. Lettres Festales VII-XI - Sources ChrĂ©tiennes pp.Lettres Festales XII-XVII - Sources ChrĂ©tiennes pp.The 2nd part of this lot consists of six volumes, including one set of two books by Évagre le Pontique:TraitĂ© Pratique ou Le Moine - Tome I - Source ChrĂ©tiennes. No. - Cerf - pp.TraitĂ© Pratique ou Le Moine - Tome II - Source ChrĂ©tiennes. No. - Cerf - pp.Scholies aus Proverbes - Source ChrĂ©tiennes. No. - Cerf - 526 pp.Le Gnostique ou a celui qui est devenu digne la science - Source ChrĂ©tiennes. No. - Cerf - 208 pp.Scholies a l'EcclĂ©siaste - Source ChrĂ©tiennes. No. - Cerf - 200 pp.Sur les PensĂ©es - Source ChrĂ©tiennes. No. - Cerf - 348 pp.The previous owner’s name and a date are listed on the flyleaves of all of the books.Evagrius van Pontus (in Greek: ???????? ? ???t????) (Ibora in Pontus, 345 - Kellia (Egypte), 399) was one of the so-called Desert Father, the founders of the Christian monasticism in the Egyptian desert. Read More

Lot with 5 books by Wolfgang Pauli, Charles Darwin, Max

Lot with 5 books by Wolfgang Pauli, Charles Darwin, Max

Wolfgang Pauli - Exclusion Principle and Quantom Mechanics - Neuchatel: Edition Du Griffon, pp - Softcover. First edition.Lecture given in Stockholm after the award of the Nobel Prize of physics .Charles Darwin - Die Bildung de Ackererde durch die ThĂ€tigkeit der WĂŒrmer mit Beobachtung ĂŒber deren Lebensweise. Preface bz J. Victor Carus () which translated and ''Origin of species'' - Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche, pp - Softcover. First german edition. English edition published, : The formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits.Max Planck - Vom Wesen der Willensfreiheit - Leipzig: Johann Ambrosious Barth, pp - Softcover.Ernst Haeckel - Der Monismus als Band zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft. Glaubensbekenntniss eines Naturforschers, vorgetragen am October in Altenburg - Bonn: Emil Strauss, pp - Softcover. Expanded edition, quite scarce.Ernst Haeckel - Der Kamp um den Entwicklungsgedanken - Berlin: Geor Reimer, pp - Softcover. First edition.Condition: All books in good condition except restored piece in the front cover of Darwin's book. Light underlines in ballpoint on 15 pages of Pauli's book. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Lot with 5 books by Wolfgang Pauli, Charles Darwin, Max
Book design; Lot with 4 books designed by, among others, Jan

Book design; Lot with 4 books designed by, among others, Jan

Between and beautiful and characteristic bindings were designed in the Netherlands. This lot consists of 4 beautiful books from that period:1. Binding by Theo Neuhuys () for publishing house Höveker & Wormser () - Koningin Emma, Koningin der Weldadigheid - decorated in orange on off-white cloth, decoration on front cover and spine - first edition - cm - 46 pp. - Condition: Good, slightly soiled, endpapers severely discoloured, see pictures.2. Binding by Jan Sluijters () for publishing house H.J.W. Becht () - Tine van Berken; De Berewoudjes () - floral motifs on front cover and spine, marked on front cover - 4th edition - 380 pp. - cm - Condition: very good, light signs of use.3. Binding by P.A.H. Hofman () for publishing house J.M. Meulenhoff () - Arthur van Schendel; Der liefde bloesems - Gilt-decorated on black cloth, decoration on front cover and spine - first edition - 236 pp. - cm - Condition: Very good4. Binding by Richard Roland Holst () for publishing house J.M. Meulenhoff () - R.N. Roland Holst; Over Kunst - Gilt-decorated on red cloth, decoration on front cover and spine - first edition - 222 pp. - cm - Condition: Very good(total of 4)Additional information: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boekbandontwerpers_in_Nederland_tussen__en_ Read More

Bernard Plossu - Lot with 2 books -

Bernard Plossu - Lot with 2 books -

Bernard Plossu - Fotografia - IVAM, - Illustrated binding - 276 pp. - cmWithout dust jacket as issued. Bilingual: Spanish/English. The binding shows wear, otherwise in very good condition.Bernard Plossu - RĂ©trospective -Editions Des Deux Terres, Paris, - Hardcover with dust jacket - 304 pp. - cmIntroduction by Gilles Mora. Text in French. As new. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Bernard Plossu - Lot with 2 books -
Van Eyck - Lot with 2 books -

Van Eyck - Lot with 2 books -

Elisabeth Dhanens - Van Eyck - Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, pp. - Hardcover with dust jacket in slipcase. In perfect condition. Language: FrenchA very impressive and beautifully illustrated publication with the work of Hubert and Jan van Eyck.Till-Holger Borchert - De Eeuw Van Van Eyck, . De Vlaamse primitieven en het Zuiden - Ludion, cmLanguage: Dutch. Read More

Norman Foster; Lot with 2 books -

Norman Foster; Lot with 2 books -

Norman Foster - Buildings and projects volume - Watermark - pages - 30 cm X 25 cm - book is in fine condition very good dj excellent binding clean bright contentsSir Norman Foster and partners - Architecture as building- pages - 33cm x 25 cm -book is in good condition firm binding small bend to pagestop corner otherwise fine Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Norman Foster; Lot with 2 books -
Paris; Lot with 2 books - ca

Paris; Lot with 2 books - ca

1)Anon - Vues de Paris - Paris, N. D. Phot, ca pp. - Softcover (with cord) - Dimensions;approx. 24 x 15 cm - Condition; Good.With 16 illustrations of Paris showing the still mostly deserted boulevards.2) Anon - Souvenir de la Tour Eiffel - Paris, N. D. Phot, ca pp. - Softcover - Dimensions;approx. 19 x 12 cm - Condition; Good.With 18 Simile engravings. Absolutely exceptional captures of the Eiffel Tower and the interior. Also a picture of a ‘dirigeable militaire’.(total of 2). Read More

Marlene Dumas - Lot with 2 books -

Marlene Dumas - Lot with 2 books -

Marlene Dumas - Strips - Stichting EĂ©n op EĂ©n, Amsterdam, - Original ring binder - 44 pages, mainly with illustrations. cm.Condition: As new - Printed in lithography by De Dageraad in The Hague - A very early publication of the South African artist Marlene Dumas. Marlene Dumas - Miss Interpreted - Stedelijk Van Abbe Museum Eindhoven, - Hardcover - 116 pages, many illustrations - cmCondition: As new - The important early Van Abbe catalogue. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Marlene Dumas - Lot with 2 books -
David Hamilton; Lot with 2 books -

David Hamilton; Lot with 2 books -

1 David Hamilton - Souveniers - Swan - - Hardcover with protective cover 28 x 22 x 22 David Hamilton - A Summer in Saint Tropez - Collins - - Hardcover with protective cover - 28 x 22 x 2 cmLanguages: In English and FrenchCondition: good to very good Total of 2Will be shipped safely in bubble wrap. Read More

Wolfgang Tillmans - Lot with 2 books -

Wolfgang Tillmans - Lot with 2 books -

Wolfgang Tillmans - Portraits - Distributed Art Publishers - st English-language edition - unpaginated (144 pp.) - cloth hardcover with dust jacket - cmCondition: fine, very slight wear to the dust jacketWolfgang Tillmans - If One Thing Matters, Everything Matters - Tate Publishers - st edition - sewn paperback - cmCondition: fine.Wolfgang Tillmans (born ) is a German artist/photographer, who particularly lives and works in England. His photographic oeuvre includes observations from his immediate surroundings, and experiments with the medium of photography. “Portraits” is a good example of the first theme. It contains portraits of many friends and colleagues, including his partner Jochen Klein, various Brit-pop musicians and artists. “If One Thing Matters, Everything Matters” provides an insight into Tillmans’s oeuvre, including many beautiful abstract photos. Tillmans was the first non-British artist who was awarded Tate’s annual Turner Prize. He also won the Hasselblad Award. (Total: 2) Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Wolfgang Tillmans - Lot with 2 books -
Ettore Sottsass - lot with 2 books -

Ettore Sottsass - lot with 2 books -

1. Ronald T. Labaco - Ettore Sottsass. Architect and Designer - Los Angeles County Museum of Art, p. Ills. - Hardcover with slightly damaged dustjacket - 28,8 x 24,7 cmSome pencil markings.2. Achille Bonito Oliva -Ettore Sottsass. Naples Museo di Capodimonte, April 30th -June 16th p. Ills. - Cloth with dustjacket - 27,8 x 24 cm2 great books on the design, art, architecture and photography the famous Italian. Read More

Sebastiao Salgado; Lot with 2 books -

Sebastiao Salgado; Lot with 2 books -

- Africa, taschen Sebastião Salgado, taschen . Hardcover, 36 x 26 cm, 336 pages.This stunning book is not only a sweeping document of Africa but an homage to the continent’s history, people, and natural phenomena.- Children, Sebastião Salgado, taschen .Hardcover, 24.8 x 33 cm, 124 pages.Innocence on the RunSebastião Salgado’s focus series on child migrants and refugeesIn this companion portfolio to Exodus, Sebastião Salgado presents 90 portraits of the youngest migrants and refugees. From roadside refuges in Angola to sprawling camps in Lebanon, Salgado’s subjects are all on the move and all under the age of 15. Proud, pensive, or sad, they gaze at the viewer with all the candor of youth as much as the uncertainty of their future. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Sebastiao Salgado; Lot with 2 books -
Pierre Alechinsky - Lot with 2 books -

Pierre Alechinsky - Lot with 2 books -

Are you interested in this item?This item is up for auction at Catawiki. Please click on "respond to advert" (orange button) to get redirected to the Catawiki website. Catawiki’s goal is to make special objects universally available. Our weekly auctions feature thousands of unusual, rare, and exceptional objects you won’t find in just any store. Joyce Mansour - Alechinsky Ă  la ligne - Paris, Weber Ă©diteur, - Softcover - 54 pp. - 29.5 x 22 cm.Appel & Alechinsky - Zwart - Amsterdam, Landshoff, - Softcover - 102 pp. - 30.5 x 22 cm.With poems by Hugo Claus.Both editions are in very good condition.Will be shipped with registration. Read more

Alison & Peter Smithson - Lot with 2 books -

Alison & Peter Smithson - Lot with 2 books -

Lot contains:1. David Dunster (editor) - Alison + Peter Smithson: The Shift - London, Academy Editions, pp. - sewn-glued - cm - condition: good2. Alison and Peter Smithson - The Heroic Period of Modern Architecture - New York, Rizzoli International Publications, cm - condition: good(Total: 2) Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Alison & Peter Smithson - Lot with 2 books -
Judaica; Lot with 2 Jewish responsa books -

Judaica; Lot with 2 Jewish responsa books -

2 books bound together - Both printed by Sklower in Warsaw, Poland - leaves. 2 title pages + 36 leaves - Softcover - 19 x 11.5 cm- Both have famous round censor stamp. Few holes. Rag paper. Old soft covers in bad condition. Book: fair. First book is Maimonides THE EPISTLE TO YEMEN, probably a compilation of several shorter responsa, was written by Maimonides about in reply to an inquiry (or inquiries) by Jacob ben Netan'el al-Fayyumi, the then head of the Jewish community in Yemen. The exchange of letters was occasioned by a crisis through which the Jews of that country were passing. A forced conversion to Islam, inaugurated about by 'Abd-al-Nabi ibn Mahdi, who had gained control over most of Yemen, threw the Jews into panic. The campaign conducted by a recent convert to win them to his new faith, coupled with a Messianic movement started by a native of the country who claimed he was the Messiah, increased the confusion within the Jewish community. 13 leaves. 2 title pages. Second book is a book of ethics. 36 leaves. Read More

Lot with 2 books about architecture drawings -

Lot with 2 books about architecture drawings -

1. Edward Robbins - Why Architects Draw - Cambridge/London, The MIT Press, pp - ring binder with cardboard covers - cmIn good to very good condition.2. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani - Architecture of the 20th century in drawings. Utopia and Reality - New York, Rizzoli, - first edition - 195 pp - cloth binding with original dust jacket - cmIn good condition.(total of 2).Item 1 also contains interviews with Renzo Piano, Alvaro Siza, Itsuko Hasegawa and others. Read More

Related products lot with 2 books by topor: Lot with 2 books about architecture drawings -
Frank Lloyd Wright - Lot with 2 books -

Frank Lloyd Wright - Lot with 2 books -

1. Frank Lloyd Wright - Die Zukunft der Architektur - MĂŒnchen/Wien, Albert Langen/Georg MĂŒller, pp, (20) plates - cloth with dust jacket - cmCondition: good, dust jacket slightly damaged.2. Frank Lloyd Wright, Werner M. Moser - 60 Jahre lebendige Architektur - ZĂŒrich/Winterthur, Buchdruckerei Winterthur AG, pp - paper cover - cmCondition: good, cover edges a bit rubbed, back cover somewhat soiled(Total: 2) Read More
