Spiritual Life Coaching sessions by qualified Life Coach,
Many people think spirituality is focused solely on religion, however religion is often only a minor part of spirituality and if you're not religious, you can still explore your spirituality without any reference to religion. We are all spiritual by nature but when we lose this connection,a lack of harmony is created in our lives. Spiritual life coaching is about helping you develop the tools to regain that spiritual connection so that you can live more peacefully and in harmony with your true self, which may be the missing piece of the puzzle in your life. How may spiritual life coaching benefit you? - Identify any obstacles in your way and find out how to overcome these - Gain a deeper understanding of where you are now and where you want to be - Develop a connection with your inner self - Learn to live mindfully, in peace and acceptance - Explore what's really important in your life - Live in accordance to your inner values - Connect with a deeper meaning in life - Establish your inner dreams and goals and how to achieve them - Grow in wisdom For a free email consultation and to book a session, contact Rebecca Leech via the contact form on this page or text Sessions will be held at: Sunrise Hypnotherapy & Counselling 1 Pier Terrace Lowestoft * Parking available, close to the train station (Rebecca Leech, Qualified Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Counsellor and Energy Healer- National Counselling Society and National Hypnotherapy Society accredited training.)