LeMieux ProLambskin Pro-Sorb Half Pad BNWT
The ong>Lemieuxong> Pro-Sorb System offers a unique combong>inong>ation - all the benefits of aluxury Merong>inong>o lambskong>inong> ong>halfong>-ong>padong> with the flexibility to adjust saddlefit and balance. No need to put additional gel and foam saddle &riser ong>padong>s on top as a second layer, which can often slip and be hard to place accurately. Pro-Sorb gives you multiple choices ong>inong> one product.?? * Closed-Cell foam ong>padong>s slide easily ong>inong>to four velcro pockets underthe lambskong>inong>. These ong>inong>sert ong>padong>s cover the maong>inong> weight bearong>inong>g areasofferong>inong>g additional absorption and ong>padong>dong>inong>g. The ong>padong>s are made from amemory foam and soften when warm.?? *The Clear-Spong>inong>e on the underside prevents 'blockong>inong>g off' the key gullet area, relievong>inong>g pressure and allowong>inong>g air to flow. ??* Use as a raiser ong>padong> for the front or back of the saddle. 20mm and 12mm ong>inong>sert ong>padong>s allow for more accurate adjustments. (20mm ong>padong>s are ong>inong>cluded)?? *Flexibility to adjust to changong>inong>g shape of horses or differentsaddles - especially if a number of horses share the same saddle.?? * The neat low profile nature of the Pro-Sorb avoids distortong>inong>g the fit of the saddle if just additional ong>padong>dong>inong>g is required.