LEGO Dimensions Set (Starter Pack, Level, Team and Fun
USED LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack: with Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle - PlayStation 4 Level Packs: Back To The Future, Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Midway Arcade, Portal 2 and The Simpsons. Team Packs: Dc Comics, Jurassic World, Ninjago and Scooby Doo Fun Packs: Aquaman, Bane, Bart, Benny, Cyborg, Doc Brown, Emmet, Laval, Legolas, Slimer, Stay Puft, Superman, Wonder Woman and Zane The Starter Pack still has its box and built but the Level Packs, Team Packs and Fun Packs are unboxed and built. These packs/figures come in cases so they are tidy. 3 Months old Excellent Condition COLLECTION ONLY