Extensive collection of Lego Bionicle in Ferndown
Lovingly accumulated and kept carefully over the years. Hundreds of £s worth of sets, which include full sets of (built) Barraki, Rahkshi, Vahki, Bohrok, Toa Hordika, Turaga and Matoran. Also, fully built vehicles including Jetrax, Rockoh and Axalara. Also a big box of parts for Toa Mata, Toa Nuva, Toa Inika, Toa Phantoka. With full instructions for all of these kits. Finally, one of the larger kits that Lego have produced - the Kardas Dragon (fully built and with instructions). Would give a Lego fan months of entertainment. Would prefer to sell as one lot. Photos do not do justice to the huge amount for sale.