Klouse & belle
This is klouse and belle, not from same litter klouse is around 12weeks and belle 9 there are both fully vacinated and up to date on flea and worm treatment they must go together they will come with everything they need cat tower, cat beds (3 of them) scraching post, food, bowls, litter tray, litter, toys ect, I'm only selling as my 2 year old can be a little rough and also klouse is very keen to experience the outside world but unfortunately I live in a flat I'm selling for 300 no offers as this is already selling at a losse as iv paid nearly 200 in vet cost (I have recites) and over 100 on purchasing them both not including all the beds, toys they have, please only contact me if u can give them loving home this is a very hard decision for me, thanks:) Ad ID: