Kitchen Cabinets and Base Units including granite worktop
Shaker style fitted kitchen units made by Bard and Blackwood. Solid wood doors, includes all handles, shelving and plinths. Comprises: 1xwall corner unit (3 cupboards, 30cm deep) with LED strip light 1xwall unit including corner cupboards with LED strip light, NEF microwave and cupboard. 210cm long 1xdisplay unit, 50cm wide, 116cm tall 3 drawer base set 1xbase corner unit 2x40cm base units 2x30cm base units 1x60cm base unit 1x60cm appliance housing including NEF fridge 4x50wide (approx.) base units, 23cm deep Sink, taps, AGA not included Black granite worktop included. Units and worktop will be removed prior to collection.