Jean Calvin - Lettres de Jean Calvin - 2 volumes -
John Calvin letters of John Calvin in two complete volumes published in Paris, bookseller of Charles Meyrueis and company in collation: XXXXIX-451 and 600 pages binding in half leather of the time half light Havana Morocco of the time, back with five raised bands, location and date at the bottom, marbled covers and edges, good condition, format: octavo (22.5 x 14.5 cm) first edition of the French letters published on the original manuscripts. Complete fold-out facsimile. These letters of John Calvin, collected for the first time and published according to the original manuscripts by Jules Bonnet Quite good copy, complete with facsimile - we will quote this historian of Protestantism: "L'idÊal de l'historien protestant se confond presque avec celui de ses hÊros, plus Êpris de devoir que de gloire, de justice et de vÊritÊ que de succÊs, et se rÊvÊlant au monde par je ne sais quoi d'austère et de pur, qui est le sceau de la vraie grandeur" Read More