2 X Glass Storage Containers in Bury St. Edmunds
Excellent storage <strong>jarsstrong>. Complete with <strong>glassstrong> lids, with plastic cap/l<strong>instrong><strong>instrong>g for a snug fit and airtight seal, stand<strong>instrong>g approx 17cm high <strong>instrong>clud<strong>instrong>g lid. Clean and ready for use - great for storage or display. Two Douwe Egberts empty <strong>glassstrong> coffee <strong>jarsstrong> 190g, used once. They are suitable as kitchen storage conta<strong>instrong>ers, yet have many, many more uses. These conta<strong>instrong>ers are great for keep<strong>instrong>g biscuits fresh, even down to the last one! Would make lovely Wedd<strong>instrong>g table decorations. They have so many uses, <strong>instrong> my photos I have only been able to show a few of the many uses these storage conta<strong>instrong>ers can have, <strong>instrong>clud<strong>instrong>g: for LED str<strong>instrong>g lights, candles - <strong>instrong>doors or for the garden, as sweet <strong>jarsstrong>, stor<strong>instrong>g buttons, craft mak<strong>instrong>g th<strong>instrong>gs, a vase for flowers. Pop <strong>instrong> a straw then use as a dr<strong>instrong>k<strong>instrong>g jar; Wedd<strong>instrong>g table ornaments and gifts, and loads of other uses.