Jacob Aertsz. Colom's Kaart van Holland
A.H. Sijmons & A.J. Kölker - Jacob Aertsz. Colom's Kaart van Holland . Reproduction of the first edition - Alphen a/d Rijn, Canaletto, pp. + list of subscribers + 40,(5) pp. reproduction - hardcover - 48.5 x 40.5 cm. Condition: Top of the spine is damaged, otherwise very good. Reproduction of the original from in 40 facsimile sheets plus “Nieuwe Beschrijvinghe van Batavien, Nu ghenaemt Holland”. With accompanying texts by A.H. Sijmons & A.J. Kölker. In green imitation leather binding with gold stamp on the front cover. In the Mennonite publisher Jacob Aertsz. Colom published a large wall map of Holland, composed of no less than 40 sheets. With its size of 162 x 299 cm, it was the largest map of Holland in the 17th century. Which formed a beautiful adornment on the wall, when it was fully mounted, and sometimes surrounded by beautiful texts and images. The map is even larger than the revised version, the Van Berckenrode-Visscherkaart of the county Holland from , on which it was mainly based. (UvA) Read More