Leather skins, I failed to sell this sofa, couldn't... Hove
Leather skins, I failed to sell this sofa, couldn't face dumping such a high quality item so I stripped off all the leather & dumped the frame & padding. If you are a handy leatherworker there is a huge amount of (used) top quality leather here that could be used for making clothing or recovering all sorts of things. Most of it is in good condition, the rear & side sections are unmarked while some of the seat & backrest covering is worn on the right side - see photos. They show the original sofa before stripping, the seat cover laid over its smaller partner & both pieces spread on the floor lengthways. It has been removed complete & still has all the folds & stitching however there are many large sections free of any clutter. I am offering it as is rather than cutting it into smaller strips to sell separately (for more in total). The smaller piece, which is the seat cover, measures 66ins x 32ins & the larger piece, which is the whole cover for the arms, backrests, sides & rear, measures over 9ft x 6ft. Viewing invited, may be open to offers. £, Hove, .