500 Nations, an Illustrated History of North American Indians. Not a book for the Emotional
500 NATIONS, By Alvin M.Josephy, jr <strong>Anstrong> <strong>illustratedstrong> <strong>Historystrong> <strong>ofstrong> North Americ<strong>anstrong> Indi<strong>anstrong> nations. How they lived (<strong>anstrong>d died). How the West was won, at the expense <strong>ofstrong> almost every native tribe, from the Inca to the Inuit <strong>anstrong>d almost every Plains <strong>anstrong>d Desert dwelling tribe that occupied North America. Harrowing in m<strong>anstrong>y places, to read the documented accounts <strong>ofstrong> how the numerous tribes were decimated by the invasion from the white m<strong>anstrong>. Beautifully <strong>illustratedstrong>, with m<strong>anstrong>y archive publications depicting the primitive m<strong>anstrong>ner in which the tribes lived. Their own battles to survive, <strong>anstrong>d the pacts that they formed. From Farmers to Warriors, this book has to be read from start to finish, in order to underst<strong>anstrong>d but a little <strong>ofstrong> the harsh, yet wonderful lifestyles, that these <strong>anstrong>cient peoples endured. I found it difficult to put this book down once I started reading, <strong>anstrong>d the picture really do bring the accounts to life, superbly written whilst maintaining a sense <strong>ofstrong> accuracy from the research material used. With about 400 pages, it's difficult to know what to ask for such a work, I simply hope that whoever buys it will enjoy it as much as I, <strong>anstrong>d be as impressed <strong>anstrong>d emotionally humbled by the content as I was. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit