iPhone 6 on EE. 64gb, white and silver. in Northampton
This item has no dents or chips, and comes with unused headphong>onong>es, a charger and the origong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>al box. There is a slight mark ong>onong> the top of the silver trim as per the photo. Can ong>onong>ly imagong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>e it was caused by bit of dirt under the case. The phong>onong>e was cleaned out of the case regularly as was the ong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>side of the case. And I noticed it a few mong>onong>ths back. Tong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>y and hidden and I ong>onong>ly noticed as I'm very OCD over my phong>onong>e. (Just beong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>g hong>onong>est) the phong>onong>e has always had a glass screen protector ong>onong> an is ong>onong>g>inong>onong>g> absolutely brilliant cong>onong>ditiong>onong>. Works perfectly and the battery is fantastic, holds its charge and I have no issues with it.ong>onong>ly sellong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>g due to a new upgrade. This really is a bargaong>onong>g>inong>onong>g> for someong>onong>e. I forgot to add that song>onong>g>inong>onong>g>ce day ong>onong>e the chargong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>g port and headphong>onong>e socket have been protected with dust plugs makong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>g sure nothong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>g gets ong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>to the sockets to damage or block them up. Agaong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>, OCD at its fong>onong>g>inong>onong>g>est lol!