Invacare Lynx Mobility Scooter
Lightweight Mobility Scooter which comes in 5 parts, base, battery, seat, handlebars and basket. EXCELLENT CONDITION, USED ONLY ONCE! Detaches into just 2 parts (base and seat) making it easily stashable into a normal sized car boot. It can be lifted in and out fairly easily but probably would need to be done by an able bodied person. This scooter is a lovely dark blue colour. It is clean and comes with a basket on the front of the handle bars. I do have an instruction booklet but this states the scooter does 4 mph, and in fact the one I have for sale does a maximum of 8 miles ph. However all the other info is correct so the instructions for use and care are the same. It holds a good charge on the battery with a 10 mile range. The battery does detach so you can carry indoors and plug in. There are NO rips or tears in the seat covering and the foot plate is clean and still as new. This is an excellent bargain. It cost £550 new and has been used just once. The seat swivels making it easy to get on and off the scooter. And because it is nippy and lightweight, it offers greater manoeuvrability in tight, or limited spaces. Read More