RockJam RJ Key Electronic Interactive Teaching Piano
* Compact digital keyboard with 61 full-size keys, lcd screen, record and playback functionality, 100 keyboard sounds, 100 rhythms, and 50 demo songs * Sturdy keyboard stand is easy to move throughout the home or studio * Thick, padded, adjustable stool engineered for keyboard play * Headphones **Not** included * I bought this Keyboard, but never got time to learn or use it. It is unused. So this is the time to give up my passion. * I bought this whole set for 95 pounds from Amazon * I can get them delivered to you, for the delivery charges, or you can collect it from my place * The items can easily fit in a small car. * I dont have boxes to carry it Delivery: If you want it delivered you can use AnyVan. They'll give you an instant price and you can book online.