We, at Fitness Forge, know how hard it can be to stay healthy and fit <strong>instrong> a busy world, so we provide you with the tools and expertise to help you forge a better you. The One-Stop Gym for St. Neots and surround<strong>instrong>g areas. What we have: Full range of resistance mach<strong>instrong>es by Precor Treadmills, Steppers, Cross Tra<strong>instrong>ers, Bikes by Life Fitness Concept2 Rowers Sp<strong>instrong>ner NXTSp<strong>instrong> Bikes Dedicated Free Weight Room (KG+ of Olympic Plates) Top of the range Dumbbells & 7ft Barbells Squat/Bench Racks and multi-position Bench Press Station by EXIGO Adjustable Cable Crossover 2x100kg by Exigo Cable Crossover 91KG each side by Precor Custom Benches by Exigo Functional Equipment (Medballs, Powerbags,etc) Studio Barbell sets and Steps for classes Battle Ropes & TRX Suspension Tra<strong>instrong><strong>instrong>g Virtual Classes On Demand (FitBoxVirtual) LES MILLS Secure Storage Lockers Showers Membership: No contract No Jo<strong>instrong><strong>instrong>g fee student and AOP discount