Husky Wine Refridgerator in Stoke On Trent
Brandnew unused,boxed with manual. Has a small dent on the top,does not effect how it works,and will be hidden when put undercounter. The under counter wong>inong>e cooler offers space for 20 wong>inong>e bottles and can also be used as a drong>inong>ks, beer and wong>inong>e fridge. Ideal for wong>inong>e lovers and it also has an ong>inong>terior light to ensure you fong>inong>d what you are lookong>inong>g for. The black cabong>inong>et and staong>inong>less steel door trim will perfectly complement any location ong>inong> the home. Free local deliver,delivery elsewhere can be arranged at cost RRP £215 (argos)