Elektra mini verticale espresso machine (used)
The dual purpose, brass boiler can extract quality espresso in 'coffee' mode, and the brass boiler can provide adequate steaming capability for making cappuccino and latte beverages. The power and coffee push buttons are on the left hand side, while the button to go to steam mode is on the right hand side. Once warmed up to steam mode, the steam knob on the right hand side can be turned to open the steam valve and allow steam to exit the steam wand for frothing/steaming milk. Height: 79cm, base diameter: 40cm. Features: Removable drip tray (cover missing but replacements can be found online). Three way solenoid valve allows quick removal of portafilter after espresso extraction. Water reservoir can be removed by removing holding screw attached to bracket and reservoir. Finish: Chrome plating with clear coat finish only needs to be wiped with a damp terry cloth. Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit