Hohner Marine Band MS Harmonica All Keys BNIB CLEARANCE SALE
HOHNER MARINE BAND MS HARMONICA in various keys RRP £ OUR PRICE £ Hohner's "Marine Band" harmonicas are their original and best known brand of diatonic harmonica, and their design has changed little in the last 100 years! Although they're still very popular today, like many harmonicas with a wood comb* they tend to leak quite a lot of air, which can make them harder to play, particularly when bending notes. While some experienced players prefer the look and feel of a wooden harmonica, beginners will generally be better off starting with a plastic comb harmonica such as the Hohner Pro Harp or the Lee Oskar Blues Harp. Standard 10 hole diatonic (fixed key) harmonica.Engraved casing made from chrome-plated brass.Wooden comb.Custom intonation - tuned to play cleaner-sounding chords.Supplied in a strong plastic box.*The comb is the name for the central block of the harmonica, made from plastic, wood or occasionally metal, which is shaped a bit like a comb. Unfortunately we will be closing down on the 27th Feb and therefore we are having a massive clearanceSALE ! Everything in stock is discounted to the cheapest new prices in the UK.www.peterboroughmusicltd.com