From the back of the box - In a far land there is a Legend, as old as time itself. The Legend tells of a green mountain...of an ancient dungeon labyrinth buried deep beneath it...and of the priceless treasures to be found there. It also tells of the fearsome monsters and deadly traps which await all who seek those riches, and how only the boldest and most resourceful of Heroes can ever hope to enter the dungeon...and return alive! In the Starter Game, players take the parts of heroic warriors venturing alone into the labyrinth in search of fame and wealth. Great are the rewards, but great also are the dangers to be face along the way. In the Expanded Game, the warriors are joined by other heroic adventurers - magic-users, rogues, clerics and dwarves - as each player now pits a group of Heroes against the perils of the dungeon. Though each Hero brings his own special powers and there is strength to be gained in numbers, the dangers now are even more deadly!” Box has 3 taped corners but in genera; good condition Contents also in good complete condition