Line 6 Helix Floor - Unused & In Box -- Brand New - (Helix will ship sealed in box)
Hi All! I'm sellong>inong>g this for a friend of mong>inong>e. I recently returned my Helix for repair, and received a ong>brandong> ong>newong> one ong>inong> exchange. Long>inong>e 6 have reong>newong>ed the warranty (1 year) so this is essentially, a factory unit. I am sellong>inong>g due to a move from guitar to bass, and after receivong>inong>g the unit back, decided I probably don't need it's power for a 4 strong>inong>g! This unit has phenomenal support on YouTube and Facebook, and the Long>inong>e6 customer service is admirable. I have proof of shippong>inong>g to show that this unit is ong>newong> from L6 and not purchased elsewhere. If you can collect, that's ideal. If not, I will have to adjust the price to ong>inong>clude postage (It's a big heavy ong>boxong>) Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit