Liveryman Harmony Plus Clippers
Liveryman Harmony Plus clippers with 2 sets of blades, can be used on the mains electricity, with a battery pack or cordless. They are super quiet- very good for young or nervous horses. These were just over £300 new from r and r with 3 sets of blades, I've misplaced one of the blades so it comes with 2.4mm for body and 1.6mm - perfect for trimming face, ears etc. They still have an unregistered warranty, you can probably send it off still. They have had very little use, selling to save my horses any more humiliating hair cuts! Comes with mains charger, 2 pin plug adapter, battery pack, 2 sets of blades, oil, cleaning brush and clippers all in the original liveryman box. £165 I have a few other items for sale for horse and pony. Including Lycra hoods, rugs, tack etc. All surplus to requirements. Please message me. Read More