ong>Handymanong> ong>servicesong> all ong>Londonong> areas!!! FREE express visit and quotation!!! Plumbong>inong>g, electric, carpentry, decoratong>inong>g, all kong>inong>d of home and office repairs and improvements. Huge experience, quality guarantee for each job done!!! Call or text anytime - you'll be surprised with our prices!!! Significant discounts for multiple orders. Plumbong>inong>g ong>Servicesong>: Kitchen and bathroom plumbong>inong>g and repairs. Leakong>inong>g problems. Heatong>inong>g, boilers and radiators. Washong>inong>g machong>inong>es, dishwashers ong>inong>stallation. Showers, baths, toilets and basong>inong>s ong>inong>stallation. Flushong>inong>g toilets, kitchen song>inong>ks baths and basong>inong>s.EMERGENCY CALL OUT 24/7 Electricity ong>Servicesong>: Fixong>inong>g all kong>inong>d of electricity problems. New ong>inong>stallations, old ong>inong>stallations repair. Electric sockets and light switches ong>inong>stallation. Lightong>inong>g - fix, repair, ong>inong>stall. Home electric appliances ong>inong>stallation - ovens, stoves and plates, extong>inong>guishers, fridges and freezers, washong>inong>g machong>inong>es, dryers and dish washers. Garden lightong>inong>g. EMERGENCY CALL OUT 24/7 Carpentry ong>servicesong>: All kong>inong>d of carpentry ong>servicesong> - doors, wong>inong>dows, cupboards, furniture repair. EMERGENCY CALL OUT 24/7 Home improvements: Floorong>inong>g, carpetong>inong>g, decoratong>inong>g, wallpapers, poles ong>inong>stallation, ong>inong>terior repairs, exterior repairs, all kong>inong>d of home improvement and maong>inong>tenance ong>servicesong> ong>inong> ong>Londonong>. Refurbishments: House extensions, garage transformations, plasterboard, plasterong>inong>g and tilong>inong>g, demolition and rubbish throw out, plumbong>inong>g and electric ong>inong>stallations. All kong>inong>d of refurbishment ong>servicesong> ong>inong> ong>Londonong>. FREE VISIT AND QUOTATION! QUALITY GUARANTEE FOR EACH JOB! SIGNIFICANT DISCOUNTS FOR MULTIPLE ORDERS!