Lunkarya baby boys in Burton On Trent
Available and ready to leave are two pairs of Lunkarya ong>Guong>inong>eaong> ong>pigong>s..all ong>boysong> pair are lilacs and one pair agoutis...big fluffy coats,some slight damage on the solid lilac due to his friend over groomong>inong>g him:-) they are bathed,lice and mite treated,change over food provided..these are to be sold as pairs ong>inong> the photos no song>inong>gle ong>pigong>gy sold,all are livong>inong>g together if you would like a group but will need a very large livong>inong>g area..they are £35 a pair sorry no offers....only enquire if you are wantong>inong>g to give a home,if you wish to hold a pair for longer than a few days then full payment is required..sorry but had previous timewasters...viewong>inong>gs are welcome,come and meet them..many thanks.