Beautiful pure breed silkie bantams bearded and none bearded
Hi I have a gorgeous solection of pure breed bantam silkies, there are a pair of black with gold around there necks that are nearly five months old Cockerell and hen. There £30 the pair, then there is one gold silkie Cockerell three months old at £5, then a rare cuckoo silkie Cockerell five months old £5. Then there are two pure white none bearded silkie hens at four months old £15 each then possibly a trio that's two black silkie hens and one pure rare paint silkie Cockerell £45 the three or £15 for the one black hen as she's younger than the other hen, then £20 for the other hen and £10 for the rare paint Cockerell if all sold separately etc. Then I have a solection of pekin bantams available soon aswell. For more information please feel free to contact me thank you. Read More