German Empire/Reich - collection on vector sheets
Bohemia & Mähren complete ong>collectionong> MNH. Michel no.: (postal stamps in multiples !!)AND free city Danzig, lot, complete collecton MNH!AND Bohemia & Mähren: Porto and service stamps, complete ong>collectionong> mostly cancelled/used Michel no: AND ong>Germanong>y; Third Reich,1.) Adolf Hitler RM ong>Germanong> Reich 799 A – 802 A . Birthday of Adolf Hitler, Michel no: . Birthday of Adolf Hitler, Michel no.: . Birthday of Adolf Hitler, Michel no:. Birthday of Adolf Hitler, Michel no: 813y 6) DR ** Rise to power of Adolf Hitler, block Michel no: ,) ong>Germanong> Empire/Reich Freimarken 8.) Austria Hitler stamps with overprint Austria, Michel no.:,) AUSTRIA: Grazer Local issue with overprint, complete set, MNH, Michel no.: M€ 160,- Many stamps, multiple present !!!!!! 10:) ong>Germanong> Empire/Reich service stamps Michel no.: ** swastika 11:)ong>Germanong> Empire/Reich on pedestal - 2 complete issues!! MNH , service stamps Michel no. D144 to D:) ong>Germanong> Empire/Reich, Generalgouvernement, National Emblem over castle Krakau, Michel no.: .) ong>Germanong> Empire/Reich, service stamps, Free though Dissolution Michel no:1-8, MNH on ong>collectionong> card 14.) ong>Germanong> Empire/Reich, brown band, Michel € 150,- and Michel no.:854and Michel no.:899 on ong>collectionong> card See the pictures/scans to form your own impression/opinion. Read More