Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon - Histoire Naturelle
This is an updated edition of the complete "Histoire Naturelle" by Buffon, comprising sections about the Author, the analytical table of his works, and a notice about Montbeillard, edited by P. Bernard, printed on "grand papier vélin" - it was the most luxurious edition at the time, costing 200 Francs.It is illustrated with 87 original plates (with a total of 187 figures), and 2 maps in double suite - that is, both in b/w and in color - so 174 plates and 4 maps, and it is complete.Apart from some occasional staining, the condition is very good overall, both for the pages and for the binding, with minimal wear, very solid spines and backs, the pages crisp and dry, and the colors still very bright.List of the plates:Vol 1Retrait BuffonCreationGenieVol 2nilVol 3FemmeExpressionsHommeVol 4ChevalAneTaureuBrebis, BelierChevre, BoucSanglier, CochonLevrier, Chien courantBichon, Chien lion, Chien loupMatin, DogueChien berger, Grand barbetChat, Chat angoraChevreuil, CerfFaon, BicheLapin, Lapin sauvage, LievreBelette, Hermine, EcureuilMuscardin, Marmotte, LoirRenard, LoupBlaireau, PotoisFouine, Foret, MarteSouris, Rat, Rat eau, Cochon indeChauve souris, Taupe, HerissonVol 5Rhinoceros, ElephantDromedoir, ChameauElan, RenneBison, BouffleMouflon, BelierZebre, GiraffeOurs brun, Ours blancGazelle, NilgautLoris, Mococo, GerboiseTigre, LionLeopard, PanthereCivette, Lynx, HyeneVol 6Lama, TapirTamanoir, Kebusson, EncoubertSarigue, MarmoseJockoMagot, BabouinGuenon camail, Guenon long nezSajou, SagouinLoutre, HippopotameRaton, CastorLamantin, Phoque, MorseVol 7 Peintade. Dindon, CoqPaon, FaisanGelinotte, TetrasPerdrix rouge, Perdrix griseCaille, Cochevis, AlouetteTourterelle, Ramier, PigeonOutarde, AutruchePie grieche, Pie, GealPic vert, coucouToucan, Martin pecheurVol 8Periche, MascarinFauvette, RossignolLinotte, Pinson, Chardinneret, SerinOrtolan, Brouant, BouvreuilFriquet, Gros bec, MerleLoriot, Oiseau paradisMesange, Troglodyte, RoiteletOiseau mouche, Colibri, Hirondelle (x2)Vol 9Vautour, AigleFaucon, EpervierCresserelle, AutourMilan, BuseCorbeau, HibouChouette, Chat houantCygne, FlamantCanard, OieGrue, CicogneButor, HeronBecasse, Courlis, VanneauRale, PluvierMacreuse, SarcellePoule, PlongeonCormoran, PelicanFregate, Oiseau tropicalVol 10Foetus, femmeFoetus, guenonMuletMonstre excessVol 11nilThe set can be transferred manually to the buyer, or shipped via courier service at cost. There will be an addition to the cost indicated because of the insurance (around 1% pf the final price - as this cost is based on the adjudication price, so cannot be calculated beforehand). Read More