Explanar Golf Training System
The Explanar is a kinaesthetic golf training aid that aims to teach your muscles how to perform the perfect golf swing. The Explanar allows you to stop thinking about your golf swing so you can start to feel it instead. 'The Explanar is an aid to help the user feel and to recreate swinging in the optimum plane for themselves.' The Explanar golf training aid will guide your muscles into moving along your optimum golf swing plane, and the re-enactment of this movement on the golf course will enable you to play longer, straighter, and more consistent shots. This improvement in the accuracy and power of your shot will then act to reduce your handicap. By using the Explanar for about 10 minutes a day, you will see a dramatic improvement in your core stability and an increased level of rotation, all of which are integral to adding control to your golf swing and improving accuracy. The Explanar golf swing aid comprises of the hoop, the plane fin, and the power roller. The Explanar is adjustable, and can therefore be used by golfers of all heights and for a variety of golf swings depending on the club you intend to use. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit