functional analysis

Functional Analysis

Functional Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bachmann, George / Narici, Lawrence / Mathematics, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Excellent treatment of subject geared toward students with background in linear algebra, advanced calculus, physics and engineering. Text covers introduction to inner-product spaces, normed, metric spaces, and topological spaces; complete orthonormal sets, the Hahn-Banach Theorem and its consequences, and many other related subjects. Includes detailed proofs of theorems, bibliography, and index of symbols. edition.

P-Adic Functional Analysis

P-Adic Functional Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kakol, J. / de Grande-de Kimpe, N. / Perez-Garcia, C., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, A presentation of results in p-adic Banach spaces, spaces over fields with an infinite rank valuation, Frechet (and locally convex) spaces with Schauder bases, function spaces, p-adic harmonic analysis, and related areas. It showcases research results in functional analysis over nonarchimedean valued complete fields. It explores spaces of continuous functions, isometries, Banach Hopf algebras, summability methods, fractional differentiation over local fields, and adelic formulas for gamma- and beta-functions in algebraic number theory.

Related products functional analysis: P-Adic Functional Analysis
SPSS Data Analysis, Project Writing, Statistical Analysis

SPSS Data Analysis, Project Writing, Statistical Analysis

I offer SPSS Data Analysis SPSS Installation SPSS Training Chapter 4 (Data Analysis & Interpretation) on Projects and Thesis I am an expert in data analysis using SPSS, MINITAB, STATA, E-VIEWS, R-STATISTICS software. If you are stuck with your data analysis, research, project, thesis, dissertation, reach me out. Whatsapp/call:Jessica Anderson: Skype: EssayHelp Center Company:



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Horney, Karen, PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, She discusses the driving forces in the neuroses, the different stages of psychoanalytic understanding, the patient's and the analyst's share in the psychoanalytic process, occasional and systematic self-analysis, and the realistic expectations of undertaking self-analysis.

Related products functional analysis: Self-Analysis
Multivariable Analysis

Multivariable Analysis

Multivariable Analysis: This book provides a rigorous treatment of multivariable differential and integral calculus. Implicit function theorem and the inverse function theorem based on total derivatives is explained along with the results and the connection to solving systems of equations. There is an extensive treatment of extrema, including constrained extrema and Lagrange multipliers, covering both first order necessary conditions and second order sufficient conditions. The material on Riemann integration in n dimensions, being delicate by its very nature, is discussed in detail. Differential forms and the general Stokes' Theorem are expounded in the last chapter. With a focus on clarity rather than brevity, this text gives clear motivation, definitions and examples with transparent proofs. Much of the material included is published for the first time in textbook form, for example Schwarz' Theorem in Chapter 2 and double sequences and sufficient conditions for constrained extrema in Chapter 4. A wide selection of problems, ranging from simple to more challenging, are included with carefully formed solutions. Ideal as a classroom text or a self study resource for students, this book will appeal to higher level undergraduates in Mathematics.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Data Analysis: This book bridges the gap between statistical theory and physcal experiment. It provides a thorough introduction to the statistical methods used in the experimental physical sciences and to the numerical methods used to implement them. An accompanying CD-ROM provides detailed code (in Fortran77 and in C) for implementing many of these algorithms (for IBM PS/2 or PC machines). The treatment emphasizes concise but rigorous mathematics but always retains its focus on applications. The reader is presumed to have a sound basic knowledge of differential and integral calulus and some knowledge of vectors and matrices (an appendix develops the vector and matrix methods used and provides a collection of related computer routines). After an introduction of probability, random variables, computer generation of random numbers (Monte Carlo methods) and impotrtant distributions (such as the biomial, Poisson, and normal distributions), the book turns to a discussion of statistical samples, the maximum likelihood method, and the testing of statistical hypotheses. The discussion concludes with the discussion of several important stistical methods: least squares, analysis of variance, polynomial regression, and analysis of tiem series. Appendices provide the necessary methods of matrix algebra, combinatorics, and many sets of useful algorithms and formulae. The book is intended for graduate students setting out on experimental research, but it should also provide a useful reference and programming guide for experienced experimenters.

Related products functional analysis: Data Analysis
Complex Analysis

Complex Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gamelin, Theodore W. / Gamelin, T. W., PUBLISHER: Springer, The book provides an introduction to complex analysis for students with some familiarity with complex numbers from high school. The first part comprises the basic core of a course in complex analysis for junior and senior undergraduates. The second part includes various more specialized topics as the argument principle the Poisson integral, and the Riemann mapping theorem. The third part consists of a selection of topics designed to complete the coverage of all background necessary for passing Ph.D. qualifying exams in complex analysis.

Analysis mathematics 1

Analysis mathematics 1

Book is in Italian. The condition is like new even thought it had been used. No marks or notes inside book. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products functional analysis: Analysis mathematics 1
Self-Analysis (Paperback)

Self-Analysis (Paperback)

She discusses the driving forces in the neuroses,the different stages of psychoanalytic understanding,the patient's and the analyst's share in the psychoanalytic process,occasional and systematic self-analysis,and the realistic expectations of undertaking self-analysis.

Neuronal Network Analysis

Neuronal Network Analysis

Neuronal Network Analysis: In the last few years, technologies that allow for monitoring and manipulating neuronal networks at a single cell resolution have been rapidly expanding. In Neuronal Network Analysis: Concepts and Experimental Approaches, experts in the field provide an overview of some of the most advanced techniques for the study of neuronal circuits, highlighting current technical limitations and providing a vision of what is yet to come. Broken into six convenient, interdependent section, this volume covers optical approaches, electrophysiological approaches, both in vitro and in vivo, optogenetics, morpho-functional approaches, and neuronal network analysis in humans. As a volume in the Neuromethods series, this work provides the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Neuronal Network Analysis: Concepts and Experimental Approaches will be useful for early career neuroscientists, as well as for experienced neuroscientists, by providing a practical framework for studying the brain as an organ while maintaining an appreciation for its cellular diversity.

Related products functional analysis: Neuronal Network Analysis
Document Analysis (Hardcover)

Document Analysis (Hardcover)

Describes how investigators use evidence such as handwriting and document analysis to solve crimes such as forgery and kidnapping.

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for

This package contains the following components: -: Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business,Economics,and the Life and Social Sciences-: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business,Economics,and the Life and Social Sciences

Related products functional analysis: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for
Business Analysis 3rd edition

Business Analysis 3rd edition

Business Analysis 3rd edition book. Good condition. Debra Paul, james cadle, Donald yeates Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

   Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and

  Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and

Light weight items are sent via Royal Mail second class and heavier items sent by Yodel EAN:    Title:   MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS SKU:   ST Product Category:   Books, Comics & Magazines ABOUT SPEEDY HEN LTD By continuing with this checkout and ordering from Speedy Hen, you are accepting our current Terms and Conditions. Details of which can be found by clicking here.

Related products functional analysis:   Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and
Notational Analysis of Sport

Notational Analysis of Sport

This book is in great condition and currently selling online for £35+. Grab a bargain Ad ID:

Software Verification and Analysis

Software Verification and Analysis

Software Verification and Analysis: The situation is good, but not hopeless (Polish folk wisdom) The text is devoted to the Software Analysis and Testing (SAT) methods and s- porting tools for assessing and, if possible, improving software quality, specifically its correctness. The term quality assurance is avoided for it is this author s firm belief that in the current state of the art that goal is unattainable, a plethora of gu- anteed solutions to the problem notwithstanding. Therefore, the rather awkward phrase improving correctness is to be understood as an effort to minimize the number of residual programming faults (bugs) and their impact on the software s behavior, that is, to make the faults tolerable. It is clear that such a minimalist approach is a result of frustration. Indeed, having spent years developing software and teaching (preaching) How to do it right, I still do not know how to go about it with any degree of certainty! It appears then I probably should stop right now, for who with a modicum of common sense would reach for a text that does not offer salvation but (as will be seen) hard work and misery If I intend to continue, it is only that I suspect there are many professionals out there who have similar doubts. And they are the intended audience of this project. The philosophical underpinning of the text is the importance of sound engine- ing practices in software development.

Related products functional analysis: Software Verification and Analysis
Analysis of Neural Data

Analysis of Neural Data

Analysis of Neural Data: Continual improvements in data collection and processing have had a huge impact on brain research, producing data sets that are often large and complicated. By emphasizing a few fundamental principles, and a handful of ubiquitous techniques, Analysis of Neural Data provides a unified treatment of analytical methods that have become essential for contemporary researchers. Throughout the book ideas are illustrated with more than 100 examples drawn from the literature, ranging from electrophysiology, to neuroimaging, to behavior. By demonstrating the commonality among various statistical approaches the authors provide the crucial tools for gaining knowledge from diverse types of data. Aimed at experimentalists with only high-school level mathematics, as well as computationally-oriented neuroscientists who have limited familiarity with statistics, Analysis of Neural Data serves as both a self-contained introduction and a reference work.

Tennis training analysis device

Tennis training analysis device

Tennis analytical aid allows you to: - review analysis of matches - review your swing - track power, spin, shot type and more - set goals for improvement. Unused. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products functional analysis: Tennis training analysis device
Decision Analysis for Manage

Decision Analysis for Manage

Decision Analysis for Management Judgement 4th Edition for university students ()

Practical Meta-Analysis (Hardcover)

Practical Meta-Analysis (Hardcover)

What research designs and methodological features qualify a study for meta-analysis and which disqualify it? What types of research reports are appropriate for the meta-analysis? What is the cultural and linguistic range of the studies to be included? By integrating and translating the current methodological and statistical work into a practical guide,the authors address these questions to provide readers with a state-of-the-art introduction to the various approaches to doing meta-analysis.

Related products functional analysis: Practical Meta-Analysis (Hardcover)
Cost Benefit Analysis in Uckfield

Cost Benefit Analysis in Uckfield

Swift Argent is work in many areas including Traffic Management Act Permit Schemes, Traffic Modeling, Street Lighting forward plans, Coring and others. In the past we have changed and improved a wide range of services as well as designed and developed many businesses, departments and service areas.

The Analysis of Emission Lines

The Analysis of Emission Lines

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, Robert E. / Livio, Mario / Fall, Michael, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, What can emission lines tell us about an astrophysical object? This book answers that question for a host of objects, including supernovae and active galactic nuclei, across a broad range of wavelengths. The editors present sixteen review articles from internationally renowned experts in a coherent overview of the latest data, techniques and applications of the study of emission lines. Subjects include the theory of radiative transfer, shocks, photoionization, and expanding atmospheres, as well as Doppler tomography, X-ray plasmas, IR and UV spectroscopy, molecular diagnostics, spectropolarimetry and gamma-ray lines. Together these review articles provide a unique and up-to-date overview of the analysis of emission lines. In this way, they provide an excellent introduction and reference for graduate students and professionals in astronomy and physics.

Related products functional analysis: The Analysis of Emission Lines
Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis

Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis

Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis By Knut Sydsaeter and Peter Hammond with Arne Strom. All the mathematical tools that an economist needs are provided in this worldwide bestseller. This book is as new. Very useful for university level economics. Will post for £4.00 (second class signed for). Ad ID:

Affine Density in Wavelet Analysis

Affine Density in Wavelet Analysis

Affine Density in Wavelet Analysis: In wavelet analysis, irregular wavelet frames have recently come to the forefront of current research due to questions concerning the robustness and stability of wavelet algorithms. A major difficulty in the study of these systems is the highly sensitive interplay between geometric properties of a sequence of time-scale indices and frame properties of the associated wavelet systems. This volume provides the first thorough and comprehensive treatment of irregular wavelet frames by introducing and employing a new notion of affine density as a highly effective tool for examining the geometry of sequences of time-scale indices. Many of the results are new and published for the first time. Topics include: qualitative and quantitative density conditions for existence of irregular wavelet frames, non-existence of irregular co-affine frames, the Nyquist phenomenon for wavelet systems, and approximation properties of irregular wavelet frames. This volume provides a thorough and comprehensive treatment of irregular wavelet frames. It introduces and employs a new notion of affine density as a highly effective tool for examining the geometry of sequences of time-scale indices. Coverage includes non-existence of irregular co-affine frames, the Nyquist phenomenon for wavelet systems, and approximation properties of irregular wavelet frames.

Related products functional analysis: Affine Density in Wavelet Analysis
Birth chart analysis in Farnham

Birth chart analysis in Farnham

Student astrologer looking for people who want to understand more about their character, why they do or don't get on with certain people and why they are experiencing the life issues they currently are it perhaps alway have. £20 for an hour long skype/phone or face to face.
